
adjective Etymology: Latin lambent-, lambens, present participle of lambere to lickmore at lap Date: 1647 1. playing lightly on or over a surface ; flickering 2. softly bright or radiant 3. marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expressionlambently adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Lambent — Lam bent, a. [L. lambens, enlis, p. pr. of lambere to lick; akin to lap. See {Lap} to drink by licking.] 1. Playing on the surface; touching lightly; gliding over. A lambent flame. Dryden. A lambent style. Beaconsfield. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lambent — [lam′bənt] adj. [L lambens, prp. of lambere, to lick, lap < IE base * lab > LAP2] 1. playing lightly over a surface; flickering: said of a flame, etc. 2. giving off a soft glow [a lambent sky] 3. playing lightly and gracefully over a… …   English World dictionary

  • lambent — (adj.) 1640s, from figurative use of L. lambentem (nom. lambens), prp. of lambere to lick, from PIE root *lab , indicative of smacking lips or licking (Cf. Gk. laptein to sip, lick, O.E. lapian to lick, lap up, suck; see LAP (Cf. lap) (v.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • lambent — beaming, luminous, *bright, brilliant, radiant, lustrous, effulgent, refulgent, lucent, incandescent Analogous words: gleaming, glistening (see FLASH vb) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • lambent — ► ADJECTIVE literary ▪ glowing or flickering with a soft radiance. ORIGIN from Latin lambere to lick …   English terms dictionary

  • lambent — lambently, adv. /lam beuhnt/, adj. 1. running or moving lightly over a surface: lambent tongues of flame. 2. dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject; brilliantly playful: lambent wit. 3. softly bright or radiant: a lambent light. [1640 50;… …   Universalium

  • lambent — lam•bent [[t]ˈlæm bənt[/t]] adj. 1) running or moving lightly over a surface: lambent tongues of flame[/ex] 2) dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject: lambent wit[/ex] 3) softly bright or radiant: a lambent light[/ex] • Etymology: 1640–50; …   From formal English to slang

  • lambent — /ˈlæmbənt / (say lambuhnt) adjective 1. running or moving lightly over a surface: lambent tongues of flame. 2. playing lightly and brilliantly over a subject: lambent wit. 3. softly bright: a steady, lambent light. {Latin lambens, present… …  

  • lambent — adjective /ˈlæmbənt/ a) Brushing or flickering gently over a surface. “As they walked together between the houses, Lena’s smooth arm brushed his. His skin felt lambent at the touch.” b) Glowing or luminous, but lacking heat. The lambent glow of… …   Wiktionary

  • lambent — adjective literary 1 clever in a gentle and amusing way: lambent wit 2 a lambent light or flame shines softly and pleasantly …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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