art song

art song
noun Date: 1890 a usually through-composed song for solo voice and accompanimentcompare folk song

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • art-song — artˈ song noun A song whose words and music are the product of conscious art, the music reflecting every turn of meaning (distinguished from a folk song) • • • Main Entry: ↑art …   Useful english dictionary

  • art song — n. a song written by a trained composer to convey a specific artistic idea, as in projecting the mood and meaning of a poetic text: cf. FOLK SONG …   English World dictionary

  • art song — art′ song n. mad a song intended primarily to be sung in recital, typically set to a poem, and having subtly interdependent vocal and piano parts Compare lied II • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • Art song — An art song is a vocal music composition, usually written for one voice with piano or orchestral accompaniment. By extension, the term art song is used to refer to the genre of such songs. Although categorizing a piece of vocal music as art song… …   Wikipedia

  • art song — noun : a song that is lyric in character with melody and accompaniment usually through composed by a trained musician see lied; compare folk song * * * a song intended primarily to be sung in recital, typically set to a poem, and having subtly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • art song — Synonyms and related words: Brautlied, Christmas carol, Kunstlied, Liebeslied, Volkslied, alba, anthem, aubade, ballad, ballade, ballata, barcarole, blues, blues song, boat song, bridal hymn, brindisi, calypso, canso, canticle, canzone, canzonet …   Moby Thesaurus

  • art song — a song intended primarily to be sung in recital, typically set to a poem, and having subtly interdependent vocal and piano parts. Cf. lied. [1885 90] * * * …   Universalium

  • art song — ballad, poem that has a musical quality and is usually recited with musical accompaniment (especially piano accompaniment) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • English art song — The composition of art song in England and English speaking countries has a long history, beginning with lute song in the late 16th century and continuing today.English Art song in the 17th CenturyThe composition of polyphonic music was at its… …   Wikipedia

  • American art song — The composition of art song in America began slowly in the Colonial and Federal periods, expanded greatly in the 19th century, and has become a distinguished and highly regarded addition to the classical music repertoire in the 20th and 21st… …   Wikipedia

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