Levalloisian — [lev΄ə loi′zē ən] adj. [after LEVALLOIS PERRET where such tools were found] designating or of a middle Paleolithic culture, characterized by the production of flake tools … English World dictionary
Levalloisian stone-flaking technique — ▪ anthropology toolmaking technique of prehistoric Europe and Africa, characterized by the production of large flakes (flake tool) from a tortoise core (prepared core shaped much like an inverted tortoise shell). Such flakes, seldom further … Universalium
Levalloisian — /lev euh loy zee euhn, zheuhn/, adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a distinctive late Lower and Middle Paleolithic method of preparing a stone core so that preformed thin, oval or triangular flakes with sharp edges could be struck from… … Universalium
levalloisian — le·val·loi·sian … English syllables
Levalloisian — Le•val•loi•si•an [[t]ˌlɛv əˈlɔɪ zi ən, ʒən[/t]] also Le•val•lois [[t]ləˈvæl wɑ[/t]] adj. ara of or designating a late Lower and Middle Paleolithic method of striking sharp edged flake tools from a prepared stone core • Etymology: 1930–35;… … From formal English to slang
Levalloisian — /lɛvəˈlɔɪziən/ (say levuh loyzeeuhn) adjective of, relating to, or characteristic of a tradition of the Middle Palaeolithic era notable for a method of producing stone tools. {from Levallois( Perret), a town in N France + ian} …
levalloisian — … Useful english dictionary
Stone Age — the period in the history of humankind, preceding the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and marked by the use of stone implements and weapons: subdivided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. [1860 65] * * * First known period of… … Universalium
Ras Beirut — neighbourhood Manara neighborhood in Ras Beirut … Wikipedia
North Africa — North African. the northern part of Africa, esp. the region north of the tropical rain forest and comprised of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and that part of Egypt west of the Gulf of Suez. * * * Introduction region of Africa comprising … Universalium