- as like as not
- or like as not phrasal probably
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
like as not — phrasal see as like as not * * * (as) like as not probably she would be in bed by now, like as not … Useful english dictionary
like as not — ► (as) like as not probably. Main Entry: ↑like … English terms dictionary
like as not — phrasal see as like as not … New Collegiate Dictionary
as like as not — phrasal or like as not : in all likelihood : probably like as not, her estimate won t be very good S.L.Payne * * * as like as not (or like as not) : ↑probably … Useful english dictionary
(as) like as not — british old fashioned phrase used for saying that something will probably happen or is probably true You’ll find him sitting at the table, doing the crossword like as not. Thesaurus: certain or likely to happensynonym possible and able to be… … Useful english dictionary
(as) like as not — probably. → like … English new terms dictionary
as like as not — ► (as) like as not probably. Main Entry: ↑like … English terms dictionary
as like as not — See: as likely as not … New idioms dictionary
Not Your Kind of People — Not Your Kind of People … Википедия
like — like1 [līk] adj. [ME lik, aphetic for ilik < OE gelic, similar, equal, lit., of the same form or shape, akin to Ger gleich < PGmc * galīka < * ga , prefix of uncert. meaning + * līka, body, (ON līk, Goth leik, OE lic): for IE base see… … English World dictionary