
adjective Date: 1597 1. a. confined within limits ; restricted <
limited success
b. of a train offering faster service especially by making a limited number of stops 2. characterized by enforceable limitations prescribed (as by a constitution) upon the scope or exercise of powers <
a limited monarchy
3. lacking breadth and originality <
a bit limited; a bit thick in the headVirginia Woolf
limitedly adverblimitedness noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Limited — Lim‧i‧ted [ˈlɪmtd] adjective written abbreviation Ltd COMMERCE used after the name of a company to show that it is a limited liability company: • Perkins Slade Limited, a highly regarded insurance broking business * * * limited …   Financial and business terms

  • limited — I adjective angustus, bounded, brevis, checked, circumscribed, circumscriptive, confined, confining, constricted, controlled, cramped, curbed, definite, enclosed, fixed, hampered, impeded, insular, narrow, parvus, prescribed, restrained,… …   Law dictionary

  • Limited — can refer to:* A private company limited by shares, a specific kind of limited company in Commonwealth of Nations commercial law; often used as a suffix ( Mycompany, Limited or Mycompany, Ltd. ); formerly used for all limited companies. * A… …   Wikipedia

  • limited — 1550s, pp. adjective from LIMIT (Cf. limit) (v.); as a stand alone for limited express train, by 1883. Limited edition is from 1920; limited monarchy from 1640s; limited war is from 1948. In British company names, Limited (abbrev. Ltd.), 1855, is …   Etymology dictionary

  • limited — [lim′it id] adj. 1. a) confined within bounds; restricted b) circumscribed or narrow in scope or extent c) brief; very short [a limited time ] ☆ 2. accommodating a restricted number of passengers, making fewer stops than on the regular runs, and… …   English World dictionary

  • Limited — Lim it*ed (l[i^]m [i^]t*[e^]d), a. Confined within limits; narrow; circumscribed; restricted; as, our views of nature are very limited. [1913 Webster] {Limited company}, a company in which the liability of each shareholder is limited by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • limited — ► ADJECTIVE 1) restricted in size, amount, or extent. 2) not great in ability. 3) (of a monarchy or government) exercised under limitations of power prescribed by a constitution. 4) (Limited) Brit. denoting a limited company …   English terms dictionary

  • limited — [adj1] restricted, definite bound, bounded, checked, circumscribed, confined, constrained, controlled, curbed, defined, delimited, determinate, finite, fixed, hampered, hemmed in, local, modified, narrow, particular, precise, qualified, reserved …   New thesaurus

  • Limited — ist eine Bezeichnung für eine Kapitalgesellschaft in vielen Ländern, die zum Commonwealth oder ehemaligen englischen Kolonien gehören, und steht für: Aktiengesellschaft (Irland) Aktiengesellschaft (Namibia) Aktiengesellschaft (Südafrika)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • limited — limited. См. К хромосомы. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Limited — (engl., spr. limmĭtĕd, abgekürzt Lim., Ltd. oder Ld.), beschränkt, Zusatz zu einer Handelsfirma, deren Teilhaber nur mit einem Gesellschaftsanteil oder darüber hinaus mit einer bestimmten Summe haften, im Gegensatz zu »unlimited«. L. liability,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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