limited liability partnership

limited liability partnership
noun Date: 1980 a partnership in which the partnership is liable as an entity for debts and obligations and the partners are not liable personally

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • limited liability partnership — see partnership Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. limited liability partnership …   Law dictionary

  • Limited Liability Partnership — (LLP) ist eine Rechtsform der Personengesellschaften nach britischem/amerikanischem Recht. Am ehesten ist diese Gesellschaftsform mit einer (im deutschen Recht nicht denkbaren) Kommanditgesellschaft ohne Komplementär zu umschreiben. Der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • limited liability partnership — UK US noun [C] US LAW ► LLP(Cf. ↑LLP) …   Financial and business terms

  • Limited liability partnership — A limited liability partnership (abbreviated as LLP) has elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, all partners have a form of limited liability for each individual s protection within the partnership, similar to that of the… …   Wikipedia

  • limited liability partnership — A legally recognized entity under the Limited Liability Partnership Act (2000). This type of business organization is intended to combine the flexibility of a traditional partnership with the corporate notion of limited liability. Persons… …   Accounting dictionary

  • limited liability partnership — A legally recognized entity under the Limited Liability Partnership Act (2000). This type of business organization is intended to combine the flexibility of a traditional partnership with the corporate notion of limited liability. Persons… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • limited liability partnership — (LLP)    A type of partnership that offers protection to each partner from personal liability for negligent acts committed by any other partner or by an employee not under his or her direct control. LLPs are recognized in most states, but are… …   Business law dictionary

  • Limited liability — is a concept whereby a person s financial liability is limited to a fixed sum, most commonly the value of a person s investment in a company or partnership with limited liability. A shareholder in a limited company is not personally liable for… …   Wikipedia

  • Limited Liability Company — (LLC) ist in ihrer Grundform eine US amerikanische Kapitalgesellschaft. Die Gesellschafter können zu einer Qualifizierung als Personengesellschaft optieren. Bei der LLC haftet kein Beteiligter persönlich. Sie ist daher am ehesten als eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Limited liability company — This article is about a U.S. specific business entity form. For limited liability companies in the United Kingdom, see Limited company. For a general discussion of entities with limited liability, see Corporation …   Wikipedia

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