Lithotripsy — Lith o*trip sy (l[i^]th [ o]*tr[i^]p s[y^]), n. [Litho + Gr. tri bein to rub, grind: cf. F. lithotripsie.] (Surg.) The operation of crushing a stone in the bladder or urethra to reduce it to particles small enough to be voided; lithotrity. It may … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lithotripsy — 1834, from LITHO (Cf. litho ) + tripsy, from Gk. tripsis rubbing, from tribein to rub, thresh, pound, wear out, from PIE root *tere to rub, turn, twist (see THROW (Cf. throw)). Klein says the intended Greek word is thryptein to crush and there… … Etymology dictionary
lithotripsy — [lith′ə trip΄sē] n. pl. lithotripsies a noninvasive medical procedure in which ultrasound generated by a machine (lithotripter) pulverizes kidney stones or gallstones into small pieces that can be excreted … English World dictionary
Lithotripsy — Procedure to break a stone into small particles that can be passed in the urine. * * * The crushing of a stone in the renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder, by mechanical force or focused sound energy. SYN: lithotrity. [litho + G. tripsis, a rubbing]… … Medical dictionary
Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave — A technique for shattering a kidney stone or gallstone with a shock wave produced outside the body. To focus on kidney stones here, there are several methods available for producing an acoustical or ultrasonic big bang which can be focused from… … Medical dictionary
lithotripsy — /lith euh trip see/, n., pl. lithotripsies. the pulverization and removal of urinary calculi using a lithotripter. Also called shock wave therapy. [1825 35; LITHO + Gk trîps(is) rubbing, wear + Y3; see LITHOTRIPTER] * * * … Universalium
lithotripsy — noun The breaking up of kidney stones or similar calculi by means of ultrasound See Also: lithotripter … Wiktionary
lithotripsy — operation involving crushing or disintegration of bladder stones Stones and Rocks … Phrontistery dictionary
lithotripsy — n. crushing and removing of kidney stones using a lithotripter (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
lithotripsy — [ lɪθəˌtrɪpsi] noun Surgery a treatment using ultrasound to shatter a calculus (stone) so that it can be passed out by the body. Derivatives lithotripter (also lithotriptor) noun lithotriptic adjective Origin C19: from litho + Gk tripsis rubbing … English new terms dictionary