
or aspherical adjective Date: circa 1922 departing slightly from the spherical form especially in order to correct for spherical aberration <
an aspheric lens

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • aspheric — [ā΄sfir′ik] adj. designating or of a lens or mirror made so that it is not perfectly spherical, as to minimize spherical aberration: also aspherical * * * a·spher·ic (ā sfîrʹĭk, ā sfĕrʹ ) also a·spher·i·cal ( ĭ kəl) adj. Varying slightly from… …   Universalium

  • aspheric — [ā΄sfir′ik] adj. designating or of a lens or mirror made so that it is not perfectly spherical, as to minimize spherical aberration: also aspherical …   English World dictionary

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  • aspheric — adjective aspherical …   Wiktionary

  • aspheric — adj. having a slight spherical variation (i.e. on a lens) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • aspheric — adjective varying slightly from a perfectly spherical shape • Syn: ↑aspherical • Similar to: ↑rounded • Topics: ↑optics …   Useful english dictionary

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