
noun Etymology: Middle English asma, from Medieval Latin, modification of Greek asthma Date: 14th century a chronic lung disorder that is marked by recurring episodes of airway obstruction (as from bronchospasm) manifested by labored breathing accompanied especially by wheezing and coughing and by a sense of constriction in the chest, and that is triggered by hyperreactivity to various stimuli (as allergens or rapid change in air temperature) • asthmatic adjective or nounasthmatically adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Asthma UK — is a British medical research charity dedicated to respiratory conditions and the curing of asthmaciteweb|title=About Asthma UK|publisher=Asthma UK|url= asthma uk.html|accessdate=2006 11 09] . The organization was… …   Wikipedia

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  • asthma — late 14c. asma, asma, from L. asthma, from Gk. asthma short breath, a panting, from azein breathe hard, probably related to anemos wind. The th was restored in English 16c …   Etymology dictionary

  • asthma — [az′mə; ] chiefly Brit [ as′mə] n. [ME asma < ML < Gr asthma, a panting, asthma] a generally chronic disorder characterized by wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, and a suffocating feeling, caused by an allergy to ingested… …   English World dictionary

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  • Asthma — Asth ma (?; 277), n. [Gr. ? short drawn breath, fr. ? to blow, for ?: cf. Skr. v[=a], Goth. waian, to blow, E. wind.] (Med.) A disease, characterized by difficulty of breathing (due to a spasmodic contraction of the bronchi), recurring at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Asthma — (gr.), 1) Engbrüstigkeit überhaupt; 2) erschwertes, mit dem Mangel von Luftmangel verbundenes Athemholen; man unterscheidet: a) A. der Erwachsenen (A. adultorum convulsivum, A. spasmodicum, A. spasticum), ein krampfhaftes, vorzüglich dem höheren… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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