
noun Etymology: German, alteration of Mangoldwurzel, from Mangold beet + Wurzel root Date: 1767 mangel

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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, (Beta altissima)

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  • mangel-wurzel — [maŋ′gəl wʉr΄zəl, maŋ′gəlwʉrt΄zəl] n. [Ger, altered by assoc. with mangel, lack < mangoldwurzel < mangold, beet + wurzel,ROOT1] a variety of large beet, used as food for cattle, esp. in Europe: also mangel …   English World dictionary

  • Mangel-wurzel — Man gel wur zel, n. [G., corrupted fr. mangoldwurzel; mangold beet + wurzel root.] (Bot.) A kind of large field beet ({Beta macrorhiza}), used as food for cattle, by some considered a mere variety of the ordinary beet. See {Beet}. [Written also… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mangel-wurzel — paprastasis runkelis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Balandinių šeimos cukrinis, dekoratyvinis, daržovinis, maistinis, pašarinis, vaistinis kultūrinis augalas (Beta vulgaris). Iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (dažikliai). atitikmenys: lot.… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • mangel-wurzel — paprastojo runkelio tipinis porūšis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Balandinių šeimos cukrinis, daržovinis, dekoratyvinis, pašarinis, vaistinis kultūrinis augalas (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris), iš jo gaminami maisto priedai (dažai).… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • mangel-wurzel — /mang geuhl werr zeuhl/, n. Chiefly Brit. a variety of the beet Beta vulgaris, cultivated as food for livestock. Also, mangold wurzel. Also called mangel, mangold. [1770 80; < G, var. of MANGOLDWURZEL (Mangold beet + Wurzel root; cf. WORT2)] * *… …   Universalium

  • mangel-wurzel — n. [Written also Mangold wurzel.] Field beet, scarcity root (Beta altissima) …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • mangel-wurzel — man•gel wur•zel [[t]ˈmæŋ gəlˈwɜr zəl[/t]] n. brit. pln a variety of beet cultivated as food for livestock Also called man′gel. Etymology: 1770–80; < G, var. of Mangoldwurzel=Mangold beet +Wurzel root; cf. wort II …   From formal English to slang

  • mangel-wurzel — noun 1. beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed • Syn: ↑mangold wurzel, ↑mangold, ↑Beta vulgaris vulgaris • Hypernyms: ↑beet, ↑common beet, ↑Beta vulgaris 2. cultivated as fe …   Useful english dictionary

  • mangel-wurzel — /ˈmæŋgəl wɜzəl/ (say mangguhl werzuhl) noun a coarse variety of the common beet, Beta vulgaris, extensively cultivated as food for cattle, etc. Also, mangel, mangold. {German, variant of Mangoldwurzel beetroot} …  

  • mangel-wurzel —   n. kind of large beet …   Dictionary of difficult words

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