- Medicare
- noun Etymology: blend of medical and care Date: 1955 a government program of medical care especially for the aged
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Medicare — medi·care / me di ˌkar/ n often cap: a government program of medical care esp. for the aged Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. Medicare … Law dictionary
Medicare — may refer to any of several publicly funded health insurance programs: Medicare (Australia) Medicare (Canada) Medicare (United States) See also Medicaid Medicare Australia Medicare Resources China Medicare Rights Center United States … Wikipedia
Medicare — Med‧i‧care [ˈmedɪkeə ǁ ker] noun [uncountable] a system in the US by which the government helps to pay the cost of medical treatment for old people: • There has been talk of cutting the Medicare budget further next year. compare Medicaid * * *… … Financial and business terms
Medicare — Programme bestehen in mehreren Ländern; es handelt sich um staatlich finanzierte Krankenversicherungen Medicare (Australien) Medicare (Kanada) Medicare (Vereinigte Staaten) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unters … Deutsch Wikipedia
medicare — v. tr. [dal lat. medicare, der. di medĭcus medico1 ] (io mèdico, tu mèdichi, ecc.). 1. (med.) a. [curare qualcuno applicando sostanze curative sulla parte lesionata e proteggendo poi quest ultima con una fasciatura: m. un ferito all ospedale ]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Medicare — En EE.UU., seguro sanitario nacional, con financiación federal, para determinadas personas mayores de 65 años de edad. El programa consta de dos partes. La parte A proporciona una protección básica frente a los costes de asistencia hospitalaria… … Diccionario médico
Medicare — name for a state run health insurance system, 1962, originally in a Canadian context, from MEDICAL (Cf. medical) + CARE (Cf. care). U.S. use is from 1965 … Etymology dictionary
Medicare — ☆ Medicare [med′i ker΄ ] n. [ MEDI(CAL) + CARE] [also m ] a national health program through which certain medical and hospital expenses of the aged and the needy are paid for from federal, mostly social security, funds … English World dictionary
Medicare — El Presidente Lyndon Johnson firmando la creación de Medicare. El Ex Presidente Harry S. Truman y su esposa, Bess, aparecen en el extremo izquierdo … Wikipedia Español
Medicare — Le président Johnson officialise la mise en vigueur de Medicare en présence de Harry Truman le 30 juillet 1965. Medicare est le nom donné au système d assurance santé géré par le gouvernement des États Unis au bénéfice des personnes de plus de 65 … Wikipédia en Français
Medicare — The United States government’s health insurance program for older people and some who are younger but are disabled. Medicare is funded by the Social Security Administration. with a budget equal to about 10% of the entire US budget. Medicare… … Medical dictionary