melic — MELÍC s.n. (reg.) Nărav, obicei prost (la animale). Ex.: spunem că un cal are melic, atunci când loveşte cu piciorul, când muşcă sau când, înhămat fiind, se sperie de obiectele care i apar în raza vizuală, devenind greu de controlat. Termenul… … Dicționar Român
Melic — Mel ic, [Gr. ?, fr. ? song.] Of or pertaining to song; lyric; tuneful. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
melic — [mel′ik] adj. [L melicus < Gr melikos < melos, song, musical member, orig., limb < IE base * mel , a limb > Cornish mel, a knuckle] 1. of song or poetry, esp. early Greek lyric poetry 2. meant to be sung; lyric … English World dictionary
Melic grass — Mel ic grass (Bot.) A genus of grasses ({Melica}) of little agricultural importance. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
melic grass — ˈmelik noun also melic or melick Etymology: New Latin Melica : a grass of the genus Melica * * * melic grass, any grass of a group … Useful english dictionary
melic — /mel ik/, adj. 1. intended to be sung. 2. noting or pertaining to the more elaborate form of Greek lyric poetry, as distinguished from iambic and elegiac poetry. [1690 1700; < Gk melikós, equiv. to mél(os) limb, song + ikos IC] * * * … Universalium
melic — 1. noun Any of various grasses, of the genus Melica, from north temperate regions 2. adjective Of or pertaining to Greek lyric verse … Wiktionary
melic — me|lic Mot Agut Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
mèlic — mè|lic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
melic — [ mɛlɪk] adjective (of an ancient Greek lyric poem) meant to be sung. Origin C17: via L. from Gk melikos, from melos song … English new terms dictionary