
noun Etymology: Middle English merlioun, from Anglo-French merilun, alteration of esmerilun, augmentative of Old French esmeril, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German smiril merlin Date: 14th century a small compact falcon (Falco columbarius) of the northern hemisphere having a broad dark terminal band on the tail and upperparts that are slate blue in males and brown in females

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • merlin — 1. (mèr lin) s. m. Personnage traditionnel, chez les populations celtiques, lequel possède un grand pouvoir magique.    Par extension, nom donné à ceux qui prétendent s occuper des sciences occultes. •   Dis moi un peu, vieux Merlin, ton… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

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  • merlin — (n.) small, strong European falcon, early 14c., from Anglo Fr. merilun, an aphetic form of O.Fr. esmerillon merlin, small hawk (12c., Mod.Fr. émerillon), from Frankish *smiril or some other Germanic source (Cf. O.H.G. smerlo, Ger. Schmerl merlin… …   Etymology dictionary

  • merlin — [mʉr′lin] n. [ME merlion < OFr esmerillon, dim. of esmeril, merlin < OHG smirl, merlin] a small, dark falcon (Falco columbarius) with a striped, brownish red breast, of North America and Eurasia …   English World dictionary

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