Metacenter — Met a*cen teror Metacentre Met a*cen tre, n. [Pref. meta + center.] (Hydrostatics) The point of intersection of a vertical line through the center of gravity of the fluid displaced by a floating body which is tipped through a small angle from its … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
metacenter — [met′ə sen΄tər] n. [Fr métacentre: see META & CENTER] that point in a floating body at which a vertical line drawn through its center of buoyancy when it is upright meets the vertical line drawn through its center of buoyancy when it is tipped;… … English World dictionary
metacenter — metacentras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. metacenter; metacentre vok. Metazentrum, n rus. метацентр, m pranc. métacentre, m; point métacentrique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
metacenter — /met euh sen teuhr/, n. Naval Archit. the intersection between two vertical lines, one through the center of buoyancy of a hull in equilibrium, the other through the center of buoyancy when the hull is inclined slightly to one side or toward one… … Universalium
metacenter — noun /ˈmɛtəsɛntə/ A midway point between a ships centre of buoyancy when upright and its centre of buoyancy when tilted; it must be above the centre of gravity to enable a tilting ship to return to an upright position … Wiktionary
metacenter — metÉ™sentÉ™(r) n. center of gravity of a floating body in reference to the center of buoyancy when the body is at equilibrium and when the floating body is inclined (Naval Architecture) … English contemporary dictionary
metacenter — meta·center … English syllables
metacenter — met•a•cen•ter [[t]ˈmɛt əˌsɛn tər[/t]] n. naut. the intersection between two vertical lines, one through the center of buoyancy of a hull in equilibrium, the other through the center of buoyancy when the hull is inclined slightly to one side or… … From formal English to slang
metacenter — The intersection point of a vertical line drawn through the line of buoyancy of a slightly listed vessel which intersects the centerline plane … Dictionary of automotive terms
metacenter — noun (shipbuilding) the point of intersection between two vertical lines, one line through the center of buoyancy of the hull of a ship in equilibrium and the other line through the center of buoyancy of the hull when the ship is inclined to one… … Useful english dictionary