- microfilament
- noun Date: 1963 any of the minute actin-containing protein filaments of eukaryotic cytoplasm that function in maintaining structure and in intracellular movement
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Microfilament — Actin cytoskeleton of mouse embryo fibroblasts, stained with Fluorescein isothiocyanate phalloidin Microfilaments ( or actin filaments) are the thinnest filaments of the cytoskeleton, a structure found in the cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells.… … Wikipedia
Microfilament — Filament d actine Un filament d actine, ou microfilament, est un homopolymère d actine, protéine de 42 kDa (Unité de masse atomique). C est un constituant essentiel du cytosquelette des cellules eucaryotes, ainsi que des fibres musculaires. L… … Wikipédia en Français
Microfilament — G Aktin (PDB code: 1j6z) mit ADP und Kation F Aktin; Darstellung von 13 Aktin Untereinheiten (basierend auf dem … Deutsch Wikipedia
microfilament — Cytoplasmic filament, 5 7nm thick, of F actin that can be decorated with HMM; may be laterally associated with other proteins (tropomyosin, a actinin) in some cases, and may be anchored to the membrane. Microfilaments are conspicuous in adherens… … Dictionary of molecular biology
microfilament — microfilamentous /muy kroh fil euh men teuhs/, adj. /muy kreuh fil euh meuhnt/, n. Cell Biol. a minute, narrow tubelike cell structure composed of a protein similar to actin, occurring singly and in bundles, involved in cytoplasmic movement and… … Universalium
microfilament — noun A very fine (thin) filament … Wiktionary
microfilament — The finest filamentous element of the cytoskeleton, having a diameter of about 5 nm and consisting primarily of actin. SEE ALSO: actin filament. * * * mi·cro·fil·a·ment .mī krō fil ə mənt n any of the minute actin containing protein filaments… … Medical dictionary
microfilament — mi·cro·filament … English syllables
microfilament — mi•cro•fil•a•ment [[t]ˌmaɪ krəˈfɪl ə mənt[/t]] n. cbl a tubelike protein structure that is involved in cell movement and changes in cell shape • Etymology: 1960–65 mi•cro•fil•a•men•tous ˌmaɪ kroʊˌfɪl əˈmɛn təs adj … From formal English to slang
microfilament — ˌ noun Etymology: micr + filament : any of the minute actin containing protein filaments that are widely distributed in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, help maintain their structural framework, and play a role in the movement of cell… … Useful english dictionary