MINYAN — (Heb. מִנְיָן; number ), designation for the quorum of ten male adults, aged 13 years or over, necessary for public synagogue service and certain other religious ceremonies. The Talmud (Ber. 21b; Meg. 23b) derives this number from the term edah ( … Encyclopedia of Judaism
minyan — [min′yən, min yän′] n. pl. minyanim [min΄yä nēm′] or minyans [MHeb minyan < TalmudHeb, orig., number, quantity < root mnh, to number, count] a properly constituted group for a public Jewish prayer service, made up of at least ten Jewish… … English World dictionary
Minyan — Min*yan (m[ e]n*y[aum]n ), n. (Jewish Relig.) A quorum, or number necessary, for conducting public worship. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Minyan — This article is about the term in Judaism. For other meanings, see Minyan (disambiguation). Minyan Halakhic texts relating to this article: Torah: Leviticus 22:32 Mishnah: Megillah 4:3 … Wikipedia
Minyán — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
minyan — Seph. /meen yahn /; Ashk., Eng. /min yeuhn/, n., pl. minyanim Seph. /meen yah neem /; Ashk. /min yaw nim/, Eng. minyans. Hebrew. 1. the number of persons required by Jewish law to be present to conduct a communal religious service, traditionally… … Universalium
Minyan — /min yeuhn/, Class. Myth. adj. 1. descended from Minyas. 2. being or pertaining to a gray, wheel thrown pottery produced in ancient Greece during the early part of the Helladic period, c2000 B.C. n. 3. Minyans. Also, Minyae /min yee/. the… … Universalium
Minyan — Miniane Dans le judaïsme, le miniane est le quorum de dix hommes adultes nécessaire à la récitation des prières les plus importantes de tout office ou de toute cérémonie (circoncision, mariage, deuil... ) : tout garçon ayant fait sa Bar… … Wikipédia en Français
minyan — [ mɪnjən] noun (plural minyanim mɪnjənɪm) a quorum of ten men over the age of 13 required for traditional Jewish public worship. Origin C18: from Heb. minyān, lit. reckoning … English new terms dictionary
minyan — a traditional Hebrew unit of quantity equal to 10, the number of males aged 13 or over required for a Jewish worship service. (In many modern congregations, both males and females can be included in a minyan.) … Dictionary of units of measurement