Acetoacetic acid — Acetoacetic acid … Wikipedia
acetoacetic acid — One of the ketone bodies, formed in excess and appearing in the urine in starvation or diabetes. * * * ace·to·ace·tic acid .as ə (.)tō ə .sēt ik , ə .sēt ō n an unstable acid C4H6O3 that is one of the ketone bodies found in abnormal amounts in… … Medical dictionary
acetoacetic acid — an organic acid produced in large amounts by the liver under metabolic conditions associated with a high rate of fatty acid oxidation (for example, in starvation). The acetoacetic acid thus formed is subsequently converted to acetone and excreted … The new mediacal dictionary
acetoacetic acid — acetoacto rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₃COCH₂COOH atitikmenys: angl. acetoacetic acid rus. ацетоуксусная кислота ryšiai: sinonimas – 3 oksobutano rūgštis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
acetoacetic acid — noun unstable acid found in abnormal amounts in the blood and urine in some cases of impaired metabolism (as diabetes mellitus or starvation) • Hypernyms: ↑ketone body, ↑acetone body * * * /euh see toh euh see tik, euh set ik, as i toh /, Chem. a … Useful english dictionary
acetoacetic acid — /euh see toh euh see tik, euh set ik, as i toh /, Chem. a colorless, oily liquid, C4H6O3, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether: used in synthetic organic chemistry. Also called diacetic acid. [1895 1900; ACETO + ACETIC] * * * … Universalium
acetoacetic acid — noun The ketonic carboxylic acid CH CO CH COOH, that is present in the urine of people suffering from starvation or some forms of diabetes See Also: acetoacetate … Wiktionary
acetoacetic acid — /əˌsitoʊəsitɪk ˈæsəd/ (say uh.seetohuhseetik asuhd), / əsɛtɪk/ (say uhsetik) noun a carboxylic acid, CH3COCH2COOH; excreted in urine and found in abnormal quantities in the urine of diabetics; one of the ketone bodies …
acetoacetic acid — a•ce•to•a•ce′tic ac′id [[t]əˌsi toʊ əˈsi tɪk, əˈsɛt ɪk, ˌæs ɪ toʊ [/t]] n. chem. a colorless, oily liquid, C4H6O3, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether: used in synthetic organic chemistry • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
Кислота Ацетоуксусная (Acetoacetic Acid) — органическая кислота, вырабатываемая в больших количествах печенью в процессе метаболизма и вступающая с большой скоростью в окислительные реакции с жирными кислотами (например, при голодании). Образовавшаяся ацетоуксусная кислота при достаточно… … Медицинские термины