Australia Day

Australia Day
noun Date: 1911 a national holiday in Australia commemorating the landing of the British at Sydney Cove in 1788 and observed on the Monday of or next following January 26

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Australia Day — „Australia Day“ Feierlichkeiten in Sydney, 2004 Der Australia Day ist Australiens offizieller Nationalfeiertag und wird am 26. Januar gefeiert. Er erinnert an die Ankunft der First Fleet in Sydney Cove am 26. Januar 1788. Feierlichkeiten Der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Australia Day — /əˈstreɪljə deɪ/ (say uh straylyuh day) noun 26 January, the anniversary of the landing of Governor Phillip at Sydney Cove in 1788 which began British settlement in Australia; celebrated in Australia as a public holiday. While many Australians… …  

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  • Australia Day — Aus|tra|li|a Day [ ɔ streıliə ,deı ] noun count or uncount a public holiday in Australia that celebrates the day when British people first arrived to live there permanently. It takes place on the first Monday after 26 January every year …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • australia day — noun Usage: usually capitalized A&D : a national holiday in Australia that commemorates the landing of the British under Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove in 1788 and is observed on January 26 when that date is a Monday, otherwise on the following… …   Useful english dictionary

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