
noun (plural -menids; also Achaemenidae) Etymology: Greek Achaimenides, from Achaimenes, 7th century B.C. Persian king, founder of the dynasty + -ides (patronymic suffix) Date: 1889 a member of the ruling house of ancient Persia generally considered historically important from the assumption of power by Cyrus the Great (559 B.C.) to the overthrow of Darius III (330 B.C.)

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Achaemenid — /euh kee meuh nid, euh kem euh /, n., pl. Achaemenids, Achaemenidae /ak euh men i dee /, Achaemenides /ak euh men i deez /. a member of the dynasty of kings in ancient Persia that ruled from c550 B.C. to 331 B.C. [ACHAEMEN(ES) + ID1] * * * …   Universalium

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