- nemat-
or nemato-
combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek nēmat-, from nēmat-, nēma, from nēn to spin — more at needle
1. thread <nematocyst> 2. nematode <nematology>
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
némat- — némat(o) ♦ Élément, du gr. nêma, nêmatos « fil ». ⇒NÉM(O) , NÉMAT(O) , (NÉM , NÉMO , NÉMAT , NÉMATO )élém. formant I. Ném(o) , némat(o) [élém. tiré du gr. , «fil» et entrant dans la constr. de mots sav. appartenant principalement au vocab. de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nemat — ist der Name folgender Personen: Claudia Nemat, deutsche Managerin Marina Nemat (Marina Moradi; * 1965), iranische Autorin Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begri … Deutsch Wikipedia
nemat- — combining form or nemato Etymology: New Latin, from Greek nēmat , from nēmat , nēma thread 1. : thread nematic Nematospora … Useful english dictionary
Nemat Safavi — Nacimiento 1990 Irán, Ardebil … Wikipedia Español
Nemat Mokhtarzada — (Dari: نعمت الله مختارزاده) is a well known modern Tajik poet from Afghanistan. He writes regularly for many Afghan magazines and newspapers in Germany and the United States. He appeared in Madar TV hosted by Mastora Hashemi in Germany. He has… … Wikipedia
nemat- — var. of nemato before a vowel or h: nematic. * * * … Universalium
nemat- — ► prefijo Componente de palabra procedente del gr. nema, atos , que significa hilo, filamento: ■ nematelminto. TAMBIÉN nemato * * * VER nema … Enciclopedia Universal
nemat(o)- — [Gr. nēma thread, gen. nēmatos] a combining form denoting relationship to a nematode, or to a threadlike structure … Medical dictionary
nemat- — aff. var. of nemato before a vowel or h: nematic[/ex] … From formal English to slang
NEMAT — (C: Enmut Nimât) Usul, tarz. * Yol, tarik. * Örtü, ihram. * Topluluk, insan cemaati. * Döşek yüzü, yatak yüz … Yeni Lügat Türkçe Sözlük