
adjective Date: 1565 1. of or relating to the doctrine ascribed to Nestorius and ecclesiastically condemned in 431 that divine and human persons remained separate in the incarnate Christ 2. of or relating to a church separating from Byzantine Christianity after 431, centering in Persia, and surviving chiefly in Asia Minor • Nestorian nounNestorianism noun

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Nestorian — or Nestorians can refer to: Nestorianism, a Christological doctrine developed by Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, condemned as heresy by the Council of Ephesus in 431 The Nestorian controversy, part of the Christological controversies of… …   Wikipedia

  • nestorian — NESTORIÁN, Ă, nestoriéni, e, adj., s.m. 1. adj. Care aparţine nestorienilor (2). 2. s.m. Membru al unei secte religioase care susţinea că trebuie să se distingă în Isus Christos două persoane, aşa cum se disting două naturi (umană şi divină);… …   Dicționar Român

  • Nestorian — Nes*to ri*an, a. 1. Of or relating to the Nestorians. [1913 Webster] 2. Relating to, or resembling, Nestor, the aged warrior and counselor mentioned by Homer; hence, wise; experienced; aged; as, Nestorian caution. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nestorian — Nes*to ri*an, prop. n. (Eccl. Hist.) An adherent of Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople in the fifth century, who was condemned as a heretic for maintaining that the divine and the human natures were not merged into one nature in Christ (who… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nestorian — (n.) in Church history (mid 15c.), a follower of Nestorius (Latinized form of NESTOR (Cf. Nestor)), 5c. patriarch of Constantinople, whose doctrine attributed distinct divine and human persons to Christ and was condemned as heresy. As an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Nestorian — Nestorianism, n. /ne stawr ee euhn, stohr /, n. one of a sect of followers of Nestorius who denied the hypostatic union and were represented as maintaining the existence of two distinct persons in Christ. [1400 50; late ME < LL Nestorianus. See… …   Universalium

  • Nestorian — 1. adjective relating to teachings or to the followers of A Nestorian stele, dated 781AD, was discovered in 1625 near Changan 2. noun A perceived follower of in the fourth and fifth centuries. A member of a Nestorian church. After his return he… …   Wiktionary

  • Nestorian Stele — The Nestorian Stele entitled 大秦景教流行中國碑 Stele to the propagation in China of the luminous religion of Daqin , was erected in China in 781. The Nestorian Stele (also known as the Nestorian Stone, Nestorian Monument,[1] or Nestorian Tablet) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Nestorian Schism — Part of a series on Eastern Christianity …   Wikipedia

  • Nestorian and Syro-Malabar — This entry considers the relations between Nestorians and the Christians of Syro Malabar. The Christians on the Malabar coast always courteously received any Christian bishops who came to them from over the seas and even made use of these to… …   Wikipedia

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