- autosome
- noun Date: circa 1906 a chromosome other than a sex chromosome • autosomal adjective • autosomally adverb
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
autosome — [ otozom ] n. m. • 1936; de auto et (chromo)some ♦ Biol. Tout chromosome non sexuel. Autosomes et hétérochromosomes. ● autosome nom masculin Chromosome dont les informations génétiques n interviennent pas dans la détermination du sexe. autosome n … Encyclopédie Universelle
autosome — autosome. См. эухромосома. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
autosome — coined 1906 by U.S. cytologist T.H. Montgomery (1873 1912), from AUTO (Cf. auto ) + Gk. soma body. Related: Autosomal … Etymology dictionary
autosome — [ôt′ə sōm΄] n. [ AUTO + (CHROMO)SOME] any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; specif., either of a pair of like chromosomes in a diploid cell autosomal [ôt′əsō′məl] adj … English World dictionary
Autosome — An autosome is a non sex chromosome. It is an ordinarily paired [In the case of higher ploidy levels than the usual diploid, there will be the same number of an autosome as the ploidy level itself. For example, in a pentaploid, there will be five … Wikipedia
Autosome — A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. In other words, any one of the chromosomes save the sex chromosomes. People normally have 22 pairs of autosomes in every cell (together with two sex chromosomes an X and a Y in the male and two Xs in the … Medical dictionary
Autosome — Chromosomes homologues Des chromosomes homologues (une paire de chromosomes homologues forment un bivalent) sont des chromosomes appartenant à la même paire, de même taille possédant les mêmes gènes mais pas obligatoirement les mêmes allèles.… … Wikipédia en Français
autosome — n. [Gr. autos, self; soma, body] Any chromosome other than a sex chromosome; euchromosome; see allosome … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
autosome — autosomal, adj. autosomally, adv. /aw teuh sohm /, n. Genetics. any chromosome other than a sex chromosome. Also called euchromosome. [1905 10; AUTO 1 + SOME3] * * * … Universalium
autosome — noun /ˈɔːtəsəʊm/ Any chromosome other than sex chromosomes … Wiktionary