
adjective Etymology: -onium Date: 1905 being or characterized by a usually complex cation

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • ONIUM — locus in Peloponneso, Polyaen. l. 2. c. 3. com. 3. et 9. Sic quoque Thucydidi l. 2. c. 52. et Xenophonti, l. 6. Graec. et 7. ubi circa Corinth. videtur. ubi Onii, nempe montes. Circa Onium, vel Oneum, oppid. Cenchreis proximum, pugnatum esse… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • -onium — [ō′nē əm] [< (AMM)ONIUM] Chem. suffix forming nounsChem. suffix 1. any of a group of compounds that are isologues of ammonium [sulfonium] 2. a cation [hydronium] …   English World dictionary

  • Onium — Not to be confused with onium compounds, ions such as ammonium. An onium (plural: onia) is the bound state of a particle and its antiparticle. They are usually named by adding the suffix onium to the name of the constituting particle. However,… …   Wikipedia

  • -onium — o|ni|um [zu ↑ Ammonium] Suffix in systematischen Namen von Kationen, (Onium Ionen), die sich von Hydriden der Stickstoff , Chalkogen u. Halogengruppen durch Aufnahme eines Protons (H+) ableiten, sowie von kationischen Derivaten, in denen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • onium — oni·um ō nē əm adj being or characterized by a usu. complex cation <onium salts> * * * oni·um (oґne əm) a term applied to a cation in which nitrogen has its maximum covalency, as in the ammonium ion NH4+. The compounds include betaines …   Medical dictionary

  • onium — ˈōnēəm, ˈōnyəm adjective Etymology: onium : characterized by a cation that is usually complex (as oxonium, pyridinium, or a substituted ammonium) compare quaternary ammonium compound …   Useful english dictionary

  • Onium compounds — are cations derived by the protonation of mononuclear parent hydrides of elements of the nitrogen group (Group 15), chalcogens (Group 16), or halogens (Group 17), and similar cations derived by the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the former by… …   Wikipedia

  • Onium-Ion — O|ni|um Ion ↑ onium …   Universal-Lexikon

  • onium salts — onio druskos statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Bendras amonio, fosfonio, karbonio, nitronio ir sulfonio druskų pavadinimas. atitikmenys: angl. onium salts rus. ониевые соли …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • -onium — noun suffix Etymology: New Latin, from ammonium an ion having a positive charge < hydronium > compare ium 1b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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