- paresthesia
- noun Etymology: New Latin, from para- + -esthesia (as in anesthesia) Date: circa 1860 a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin that has no objective cause • paresthetic adjective
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
paresthesia — [par΄es thē′zhə, par΄es thē′zhē ə] n. [ModL: see PARA 1 & ESTHESIA] an abnormal sensation, as of burning, prickling, etc. on the skin paresthetic [par΄esthet′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Paresthesia — This article is about the physical condition. For other uses, see Pins and Needles (disambiguation). Paresthesia ICD 10 R20.2 ICD 9 782.0, 355.1 … Wikipedia
Paresthesia — An abnormal sensation of the skin, such as numbness, tingling, pricking, burning, or creeping on the skin that has no objective cause. Paresthesia is the usual American spelling and paraesthesia the preferred English spelling. Pronounced… … Medical dictionary
paresthesia — Numbness, prickly sensations without point specificity, or abnormal hypersensitivities, all local to one part of the body, and without an obvious cause. Your foot falling asleep is paresthetic, but not paresthesia...the cause is you sat funny … Herbal-medical glossary
paresthesia — noun abnormal skin sensations (as tingling or tickling or itching or burning) usually associated with peripheral nerve damage • Syn: ↑paraesthesia • Hypernyms: ↑symptom • Hyponyms: ↑formication * * * paresthesia variant of paræsthesi … Useful english dictionary
paresthesia — paresthetic /par is thet ik/, adj. /par euhs thee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh/, n. Pathol. an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc. Also, paraesthesia. [1855 60; < NL; see PAR , ESTHESIA] * * * … Universalium
paresthesia — noun A sensation of burning, prickling, itching, or tingling of the skin, with no obvious cause … Wiktionary
paresthesia — pærɪs θɪËÊ’É™ n. abnormal sensation, imaginary sensation … English contemporary dictionary
paresthesia — noun US spelling of paraesthesia … English new terms dictionary
paresthesia — par·esthesia … English syllables