
noun Date: 1644 1. often capitalized an adherent of the parliament in opposition to the king during the English Civil War 2. an expert in the rules and usages of a deliberative assembly (as a parliament) 3. a member of a parliament

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Parliamentarian — can refer to a member or supporter of a Parliament, as in:*Member of Parliament *Roundheads, supporters of the parliamentary cause in the English Civil WarParliamentarian can also refer to an expert adviser on parliamentary procedure, as… …   Wikipedia

  • parliamentarian — par·lia·men·tar·i·an /ˌpär lə ˌmen tar ē ən, ˌpärl yə , mən / n 1: an expert in the rules and usages of a parliament or other deliberative assembly; specif often cap: an officer of a legislative body acting as adviser to the presiding officer on… …   Law dictionary

  • Parliamentarian — Par lia*men*ta ri*an, n. 1. (Eng. Hist.) One who adhered to the Parliament, in opposition to King Charles I. Walpole. [1913 Webster] 2. One versed in the rules and usages of Parliament or similar deliberative assemblies; as, an accomplished… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parliamentarian — Par lia*men*ta ri*an, a. Of or pertaining to Parliament. Wood. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parliamentarian — (n.) 1640s, originally a designation of one of the sides in the English Civil War; meaning one versed in parliamentary procedure dates from 1834. See PARLIAMENT (Cf. parliament) …   Etymology dictionary

  • parliamentarian — ► NOUN 1) a member of parliament who is well versed in parliamentary procedures and debates. 2) historical a supporter of Parliament in the English Civil War; a Roundhead. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to parliament or parliamentarians …   English terms dictionary

  • parliamentarian — [pär΄lə men ter′ē ən] n. 1. [P ] a supporter of the Long Parliament in opposition to Charles I of England; Roundhead 2. a person skilled in parliamentary rules, practice, or debate …   English World dictionary

  • parliamentarian — [[t]pɑ͟ː(r)ləmente͟əriən[/t]] parliamentarians 1) N COUNT Parliamentarians are Members of a Parliament; used especially to refer to a group of Members of Parliament who are dealing with a particular task. He s been meeting with British… …   English dictionary

  • parliamentarian — UK [ˌpɑː(r)ləmenˈteərɪən] / US [ˌpɑrːləmenˈterɪən] noun [countable] Word forms parliamentarian : singular parliamentarian plural parliamentarians a) a member of a parliament b) an experienced politician who is good at using the rules of a… …   English dictionary

  • Parliamentarian — Tête ronde « Tête ronde » était le surnom donné aux puritains partisans du Parlement de l Angleterre pendant la Première révolution anglaise. Les Têtes rondes étaient dirigés par Oliver Cromwell. Leurs ennemis, les royalistes partisans… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • parliamentarian — noun a) A member of a parliament, congress or an elected national legislative body of another name. b) A person well versed in parliamentary procedure. Syn: congressman, MP See Also: Parliamentarian …   Wiktionary

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