
noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1900 destruction or dissolution of bacterial cells • bacteriolytic adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Bacteriolysis — Bac*te ri*ol y*sis, n. [NL.; fr. Gr. bakth rion, bak tron, a staff + ? a loosing.] 1. Chemical decomposition brought about by bacteria without the addition of oxygen. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. The destruction or dissolution of bacterial cells.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bacteriolysis — [bak tir΄ē äl′ə sis] n. [ BACTERIO + LYSIS] the dissolution or destruction of bacteria bacteriolytic [bak tir΄ə lit′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • bacteriolysis — bacteriolytic /bak tear ee euh lit ik/, n., adj. /bak tear ee ol euh sis/, n. disintegration or dissolution of bacteria. [1890 95; BACTERIO + LYSIS] * * * …   Universalium

  • bacteriolysis — noun the destruction of bacteria by lysis …   Wiktionary

  • bacteriolysis — The dissolution of bacteria, e.g., by means of enzymes, hypotonic solutions, or specific antibody and complement. [bacterio + G. lysis, dissolution] * * * bac·te·ri·ol·y·sis (.)bak .tir ē äl ə səs n, pl y·ses .sēz destruction or dissolution of… …   Medical dictionary

  • bacteriolysis — n. destruction of bacteria by antibodies …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bacteriolysis — [bakˌtɪərɪ ɒlɪsɪs] noun Biology the rupture of bacterial cells, especially by an antibody. Derivatives bacteriolytic adjective …   English new terms dictionary

  • bacteriolysis — bac·te·ri·ol·y·sis …   English syllables

  • bacteriolysis — bac•te•ri•ol•y•sis [[t]bækˌtɪər iˈɒl ə sɪs[/t]] n. mcr disintegration or dissolution of bacteria • Etymology: 1890–95 bac•te ri•o•lyt′ic əˈlɪt ɪk n. adj …   From formal English to slang

  • bacteriolysis — /bækˌtɪəriˈɒləsəs/ (say bak.tearree oluhsuhs) noun disintegration or dissolution of bacteria. {bacterio (see bacteri ) + lysis} –bacteriolytic /bækˌtɪəriəˈlɪtɪk/ (say bak.tearreeuh litik), adjective …  

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