- personalism
- noun Date: circa 1846 a doctrine emphasizing the significance, uniqueness, and inviolability of personality • personalist noun or adjective • personalistic adjective
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Personalism — is the school of thought that consists of three main principles, and which can broadly be qualified as species of Humanism : # Only persons are real (in the ontological sense), # Only persons have value, and # Only persons have free will.… … Wikipedia
personalism — PERSONALÍSM s.n. 1. Atitudine a cuiva care ia în consideraţie numai punctele de vedere şi interesele personale; subiectivism. 2. Doctrină socială care pune la baza existenţei o pluralitate de entităţi spirituale înzestrate cu atributele… … Dicționar Român
Personalism — Per son*al*ism, n. The quality or state of being personal; personality. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
personalism — [pʉr′sə nə liz΄əm] n. any doctrine or movement which emphasizes the rights and centrality of the individual human being in his or her social, political, intellectual, etc. milieu personalist n., adj. personalistic adj … English World dictionary
personalism — personalist, n. personalistic, adj. /perr seuh nl iz euhm/, n. 1. Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine. 2. Psychol. an approach stressing individual… … Universalium
personalism — The philosophy of probability pioneered by Ramsey and de Finetti, and furthered by the American statistician L. J. Savage in his Foundations of Statistics (1954). Personalism rejects the view that probabilities are ‘out there’ waiting to be… … Philosophy dictionary
Personalism — school of thought that consists of three main principles: 1) only people are real (in the ontological sense), 2) only people have value, and 3) only people have free will. Personalism flourished in the early 20th century at Boston University in a … Mini philosophy glossary
PERSONALISM — the PHILOSOPHY which regards the individual PERSON as the highest form of REALITY. American PROTESTANT LIBERALISM was deeply influenced by a personalism which saw HISTORY as the unfolding of the MORAL aspect of GOD S will … Concise dictionary of Religion
personalism — ˈpərs(ə)nəˌlizəm noun ( s) 1. : personal quality or state : individuality of character or influence : individualism 2. : a doctrine, theory, or school of thought emphasizing the significance, uniqueness, and inviolability of personality … Useful english dictionary
personalism — noun A doctrine of subjective idealism that regards personality as the means of interpreting reality … Wiktionary