
noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from New Latin Pilocarpus jaborandi, species of tropical shrubs Date: 1875 a miotic alkaloid C11H16N2O2 obtained from jaborandi that is used chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride or nitrate especially in the treatment of glaucoma

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Pilocarpine — Systematic (IUPAC) name (3S,4R) 3 ethyl 4 ((1 methyl 1H imidazol 5 yl) methyl)dihydrofuran 2(3H) one Clinical data …   Wikipedia

  • PILOCARPINE — De formule brute C11H1622, la pilocarpine est un alcaloïde extrait des feuilles de jaborandi, Pilocarpus microphyllus , de la famille des rutacées. C’est un arbuste grêle, à petites feuilles, qui se trouve à l’état sauvage au Brésil. Il existe de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Pilocarpine — Pi lo*car pine, n. [From NL. {Pilocarpus pennatifolius} jaborandi; L. pilus hair + Gr. karpo s fruit: cf. F. pilocarpine.] (Chem.) An alkaloid extracted from jaborandi ({Pilocarpus pennatifolius}) as a white amorphous or crystalline substance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pilocarpine — [pī΄lō kär′pēn΄, pī΄lō kär′pin; pil΄ō kär′pēn΄, pil΄ōkär′pin] n. [< ModL Pilocarpus, genus name (< Gr pilos, felt + karpos, fruit: see PILE2 & CARPO ) + INE3] an alkaloid, C11H16N2O2, extracted from the leaves of the jaborandi plant and… …   English World dictionary

  • pilocarpine — An alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Pilocarpus; Microphyllus or P. jaborandi (family Rutaceae), shrubs of the West Indies and tropical America; a parasympathomimetic agent used as a diaphoretic, sialogogue, and stimulant of intestinal… …   Medical dictionary

  • pilocarpine — (entrée créée par le supplément) (pi lo kar pi n ) s. f. Terme de chimie. Sorte d alcaloïde végétal. •   M. Hardy s est proposé d isoler, s il était possible, le principe actif de la plante [le jaborandi] ; l étude chimique qu il a ainsi… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • pilocarpine — n. a parasympathomimetic drug administered as eye drops or gel to reduce the pressure inside the eye in glaucoma (see miotic). It is also administered orally to treat dry mouth; side effects may include headache, frequent urination, and sweating …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • pilocarpine — A drug used to increase salivation in people who have dry mouth caused by opioids or radiation therapy. Pilocarpine belongs to the family of drugs called alkaloids …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • pilocarpine hydrochloride — [USP] the monohydrochloride salt of pilocarpine, applied topically to the eye in the treatment of glaucoma or to counteract the effects of cycloplegics and mydriatics following examination or surgery; also administered orally in the treatment of… …   Medical dictionary

  • pilocarpine nitrate — [USP] the nitrate salt of pilocarpine, having the same actions and ophthalmic uses as the hydrochloride salt …   Medical dictionary

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