pitot tube

pitot tube
noun Usage: often capitalized P Etymology: French (tube de) Pitot, from Henri Pitot died 1771 French physicist Date: circa 1859 1. a device that consists of a tube having a short right-angled bend which is placed vertically in a moving body of fluid (as air) with the mouth of the bent part directed upstream and that is used with a manometer to measure the velocity of fluid flow 2. pitot-static tube

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Pitot tube — Pito vamzdis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Pitot tube vok. Pitot Rohr, n; Pitotsche Röhre, f; Pitotsches Rohr, n rus. трубка Пито, f pranc. tube de Pitot, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • pitot tube — pi·tot tube .pē .tō n, often cap P a device that consists of a tube having a short right angled bend which is placed vertically in a moving body of fluid with the mouth of the bent part directed upstream and that is used with a manometer to… …   Medical dictionary

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