plasmapheresis — [plaz΄mə fer′ə sis] n. [ PLASM + Gr aphairesis: see APHERESIS] a medical procedure in which blood is taken from a donor or patient, the plasma separated from the blood cells in a centrifuge, and the blood cells returned to the person s… … English World dictionary
Plasmapheresis — Pheresis redirects here. It is not to be confused with Phoresis. Plasmapheresis Intervention ICD 10 PCS 6A5 ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
plasmapheresis — The process of separating certain cells from the plasma in the blood by a machine; only the cells are returned to the person. Plasmapheresis can be used to remove excess antibodies from the blood … English dictionary of cancer terms
plasmapheresis — /plaz meuh feuh ree sis/, n. Med. a type of apheresis in which blood cells are returned to the bloodstream of the donor and the plasma is used, as for tranfusion. [1915 20; PLASM + APHERESIS] * * * … Universalium
plasmapheresis — noun A procedure in which whole blood is removed from a donor or patient and centrifuged to isolate blood cells that are resuspended in a compatible solution and re injected into the donor or patient … Wiktionary
plasmapheresis — Removal of whole blood from the body, separation of its cellular elements by centrifugation, and reinfusion of them suspended in saline or some other plasma substitute, thus depleting the body s own plasma without depleting its cells. [plasma + G … Medical dictionary
plasmapheresis — n. filtration of blood (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
plasmapheresis — [ˌplazmə fɛrɪsɪs, fə ri:sɪs] noun Medicine a method of removing blood plasma from the body, performed especially to remove antibodies in treating autoimmune conditions. Origin 1920s: from plasma + Gk aphairesis taking away … English new terms dictionary
plasmapheresis — plas·ma·pher·e·sis … English syllables
plasmapheresis — n. a procedure for removing a quantity of plasma from the blood. Blood is withdrawn through a vein from the patient and passed through a machine (a cell separator). Plasma is removed and the rest of the blood is returned to the patient through… … The new mediacal dictionary