play off

play off
transitive verb Date: 1606 1. a. to set in opposition for one's own gain b. to set in contrast 2. to complete the playing of (an interrupted contest) 3. to break (a tie) by a play-off

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Play-off — auch: Play|off 〈[plɛıɔ̣f] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Sport〉 Verfahren der Qualifikation durch Ausscheidungsspiele; Play off Runde [Etym.: <engl. play »spielen« + off »fort, weg«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Play-off — Play off, auch Play|off [... |ɔf, engl. plei ɔf] das; [s], s <aus engl. play off »Entscheidungsspiel«> System von Ausscheidungsspielen in verschiedenen Sportarten, bei dem die Mannschaften, die die Endrunde erreicht haben, in Hin , Rück u.… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • play-off — /play awf , of /, n. 1. (in competitive sports) the playing of an extra game, rounds, innings, etc., in order to settle a tie. 2. a series of games or matches, as between the leading teams of two leagues, in order to decide a championship: In… …   Universalium

  • play off — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. plej of – akcent na ostatniej sylabie] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż. ndm a. I, D. u, Mc. play offoffie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} w niektórych grach zespołowych: spotkania rozgrywane systemem pucharowym po zasadniczej części… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • play-off — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport in giochi di squadra come pallacanestro, pallavolo e sim., fase finale del campionato in cui le squadre con i migliori piazzamenti si disputano il titolo in una serie di incontri a eliminazione diretta… …   Dizionario italiano

  • play-off — /pleiˈɔf, ingl. ˈpleɪˌHf/ [vc. ingl., deriv. di (to) play off «finire, concludere»] s. m. inv. (sport) finale …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • play-off — play offs also playoff 1) N COUNT A playoff is an extra game which is played to decide the winner of a sports competition when two or more people have got the same score. Nick Faldo was beaten by Peter Baker in a play off. ...a playoff game to… …   English dictionary

  • play-off — |pleiofe| s. m. [Esporte] Conjuntos de jogos, geralmente disputados após a época normal de competição, para desempatar, determinar um vencedor ou para apurar para outra fase ou para outra competição. • Plural: play offs.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • play off — ► play off bring (two or more people or parties) into conflict for one s own advantage. Main Entry: ↑play …   English terms dictionary

  • play off — (ingl.; pronunc. [pléi óf]; sing. o pl.) m. Dep. En baloncesto, liguilla final que juegan los equipos que han quedado mejor clasificados para decidir el campeón. * * * (voz inglesa) ► masculino DEPORTES Sistema de competición en el que se van… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • play-off — n 1.) BrE a game played to decide who will win after a previous game has ended with two teams or players having equal points 2.) [usually plural] AmE a game, usually one of a series of games, played by the best teams or players in a competition… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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