- polyolefin
- noun Date: 1930 a polymer of an alkene (as polyethylene)
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
polyolefin — [päl΄ē ō′lə fin] n. [ POLY + OLEFIN] any of a group of thermoplastic polymers, as polyethlylene or polypropylene, made from any simple alkene … English World dictionary
Polyolefin — A polyolefin is a polymer produced from a simple olefin (also called an alkene with the general formula CnH2n) as a monomer. For example, polyethylene is the polyolefin produced by polymerizing the olefin ethylene. An equivalent term is… … Wikipedia
polyolefin — /pol ee oh leuh fin/, n. Chem. any of a group of thermoplastic, stiff, light, and hard polymers obtained from the polymerization of simple olefins like propylene, used for injection molding, mostly in the automotive and appliance industries.… … Universalium
polyolefin — poliolefinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Nesočiojo angliavandenilio polimerizacijos ar kopolimerizacijos produktas. atitikmenys: angl. polyolefin rus. полиолефин … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Polyolefin — Polyolefine (fachsprachlich: Polyalkene) sind Polymere, die aus Kohlenwasserstoffen der Formel CnH2n mit einer Doppelbindung (Ethylen, Propylen, Buten 1, Isobuten) aufgebaut sind. Polyolefine sind teilkristalline Thermoplaste, die sich leicht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
polyolefin — noun a) A polymer (such as polyethylene) made by the polymerization of an olefin b) A polyene … Wiktionary
Polyolefin — Po|ly|o|le|fin; Syn.: Polyalken, (systematisch:) Polyalkylen: Sammelbez. für thermoplastische Polymerisate von α Olefinen (1 Alkenen) mit der allg. Formel (̶CR1R2 CH2)̶n mit R1, R2 im Allg. = H, CH3, C2H5, z. B. Polyethylen, Polypropylen,… … Universal-Lexikon
polyolefin — poly·olefin … English syllables
polyolefin — pol•y•o•le•fin [[t]ˌpɒl iˈoʊ lə fɪn[/t]] n. chem. any of a group of stiff, light, and hard thermoplastic polymers, used for injection molding, mostly in the automotive and appliance industries • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
polyolefin — |pälē+ noun Etymology: poly + olefin 1. : an olefin containing many double bonds 2. : a polymer of olefin as polyethylene) * * * /pol ee oh leuh fin/, n. Chem. any of a group of thermoplastic, stiff, light, and hard polymers obtained from the… … Useful english dictionary