- property damage insurance
- noun Date: circa 1946 insurance protecting against all or part of an individual's legal liability for damage done (as by his or her automobile) to the property of another
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
property damage insurance — noun : protection against the legal liability of the insured for damage caused by his automobile to the property of others … Useful english dictionary
property damage — UK US noun [U] LAW, INSURANCE ► damage to property, rather than injury to people: »The storm caused $17 billion of property damage. »The policy covers $10,000 for vehicular property damage and one injury or fatality to $25,000. → Compare CRIMINAL … Financial and business terms
third-party property damage insurance — noun a form of insurance which covers the owner or driver of a vehicle for the damage which the vehicle insured might cause to someone else s vehicle or property …
Water Damage Insurance — A type of protection provided in most homeowners insurance policies against sudden and accidental water damage. Water damage insurance does not cover damage resulting from homeowner s negligence or failure to maintain home repairs. Moreover,… … Investment dictionary
water damage insurance — Insurance on property against loss or damage by rain, flood, or other accumulation of water from natural causes. 29A Am J Rev ed Ins § 1332 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Broad Form Property Damage Endorsement — An addition to a general liability policy. A broad form property damage endorsement eliminates the exclusion of property under the care of the insured. A higher premium is most often paid for this additional insurance. General liability insurance … Investment dictionary
War Damage Insurance Corporation — A government financial protection arm created during World War II to provide coverage for war risks that were not being covered by existing policies. The coverage was provided by the U.S. government and it compensated American nationals who owned … Investment dictionary
insurance — in·sur·ance /in shu̇r əns, in ˌshu̇r / n 1: the action, process, or means of insuring or the state of being insured usu. against loss or damage by a contingent event (as death, fire, accident, or sickness) 2 a: the business of insuring persons or … Law dictionary
property — prop·er·ty n pl ties [Anglo French propreté proprieté, from Latin proprietat proprietas, from proprius own, particular] 1: something (as an interest, money, or land) that is owned or possessed see also asset, estate, interest … Law dictionary
Insurance — This article is about risk management. For Insurance (blackjack), see Blackjack. For Insurance run (baseball), see Insurance run. In law and economics, insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a… … Wikipedia