barouche — ⇒BAROUCHE, subst. masc. Voiture avec capote et à quatre roues : • 1. C est le Piccadilly de cette époque qu a peint Eugène Lami, ses barouches, ses mails coachs, ses voyageurs débarquant de la malle de Douvres, en chapeau haut de forme, en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Barouche — Ba*rouche , n. [G. barutsche, It. baroccio, biroccio, LL. barrotium, fr. L. birotus two wheeled; bi = bis twice + rota wheel.] A four wheeled carriage, with a falling top, a seat on the outside for the driver, and two double seats on the inside… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barouche — (engl., spr. rūsch , ital. Baroccio, Biroccio, v. lat. birotus, zweiräderig; franz. Birouche, Barutsche, Birutsche, wienerisch Pierutsch), zwei oder vierräderiger Wagen mit verstellbarem Verdeck, einem Sitz vorn außerhalb für den Kutscher und… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
barouche — type of four wheeled carriage, 1801, from dialectal Ger. barutsche, from It. baroccio chariot, originally two wheeled car, from L. birotus two wheeled, from bi two + rotus wheel, from rotare go around (see ROTARY (Cf. rotary)). Frenchified in… … Etymology dictionary
barouche — [bə ro͞osh′] n. [Ger barutsche < It baroccio altered < biroccio < ML * birotium, two wheeled cart < LL birotus, two wheeled < L bi ,BI 1 + rota, wheel: see ROLL] a four wheeled carriage with a collapsible hood, two double seats… … English World dictionary
Barouche — A barouche, developed from the calash of the 18th century, [Casanova mentions a calèche à 2 roues first in 1742, a calèche à 4 roues in 1758 (Gunther)] was a fashionable type of horse drawn carriage in the 19th century. It was a four wheeled,… … Wikipedia
barouche — noun /bæˈɹuːʃ/ Four wheeled horse drawn carriage with collapsible half hood, two double seats facing each other, and an outside seat for the driver. Day was drooping on a fine evening in March as a brown barouche passed through the wrought iron… … Wiktionary
barouche — n. four wheeled four seater carriage with folding hood and separate driver s seat. ♦ barouchet, ♦ barouchette, n. light barouche … Dictionary of difficult words
barouche — /beuh roohsh /, n. a four wheeled carriage with a high front seat outside for the driver, facing seats inside for two couples, and a calash top over the back seat. [1795 1805; < dial. G Barutsche < It baroccio < VL *birotium, equiv. to LL… … Universalium
barouche — (entrée créée par le supplément) (ba rou ch ) s. m. Sorte de voiture. Là sont les diverses voitures offertes en location.... d imposantes calèches de famille à huit ressorts, barouches gracieux, lourds landaux, coupés coquets.... Rev. Britan.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré