Punctuated equilibrium — is a theory of evolutionary biology which states that most sexually reproducing populations experience little change for most of their geological history, and that when phenotypic evolution does occur, it is localized in rare, rapid events of… … Wikipedia
punctuated equilibrium — or punctuated equilibria n. a theory of evolution holding that characteristics of living organisms remain relatively stable for long periods that are infrequently interrupted, or punctuated, by brief periods of relatively rapid evolutionary… … English World dictionary
Punctuated equilibrium — Der Punktualismus (englisch Punctuated equilibrium, im Jargon abgekürzt Punk Eek) ist eine von den amerikanischen Paläontologen Niles Eldredge und Stephen Jay Gould erstmals 1972 vorgestellte Theorie zur Erklärung von diskontinuierlichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
punctuated equilibrium — noun a theory of evolution holding that evolutionary change in the fossil record came in fits and starts rather than in a steady process of slow change • Syn: ↑theory of punctuated equilibrium • Hypernyms: ↑theory of evolution, ↑theory of organic … Useful english dictionary
punctuated equilibrium theory — noun see punctuated equilibrium 2 … Useful english dictionary
punctuated equilibrium — noun A theory of evolution holding that evolutionary change tends to be characterized by long periods of stability, or equilibrium, punctuated by episodes of very fast development … Wiktionary
punctuated equilibrium — evolution in rapid bursts followed by long periods without change as opposed to gradualism, q.v … Dictionary of ichthyology
punctuated equilibrium — theory of, Biol. a hypothesis holding that the evolution of species proceeds in a characteristic pattern of relative stability for long periods of time interspersed with much shorter periods during which many species become extinct and new… … Universalium
punctuated equilibrium — noun Biology the hypothesis that evolutionary development is marked by isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little or no change … English new terms dictionary
punctuated equilibrium — punc′tuated equilib′rium n. bio a theory that the evolution of species proceeds with long periods of relative stability interspersed with rapid change Compare gradualism 2) • Etymology: 1972 … From formal English to slang