Purkinje cell — n any of numerous nerve cells that occupy the middle layer of the cerebellar cortex and are characterized by a large globe shaped body with massive dendrites directed outward and a single slender axon directed inward called also Purkinje neuron … Medical dictionary
Purkinje cell — [pər kin′jē] n. [after J. E. Purkinje (1787 1869), Bohemian physiologist] any of the large neurons that make up the middle layer of the gray cortex of the cerebellum, characterized by a dense network of dendrites on the outer side and a long,… … English World dictionary
Purkinje cell — Infobox neuron neuron name = Purkinje cell image neuron = PurkinjeCell.jpg caption neuron = Drawing of pigeon Purkinje cells (A) by Santiago Ramon y Cajal location = Cerebellum function = inhibitory projection neuron neurotranmitter = GABA… … Wikipedia
Purkinje cell — [pə: kɪndʒi] noun Anatomy a nerve cell of a large, branched type found in the cortex of the cerebellum. Origin C19: named after the Bohemian physiologist Jan E. Purkinje … English new terms dictionary
Purkinje cell — Pur•kin′je cell [[t]pərˈkɪn dʒi[/t]] n. hic (lab cbl)phl psl a large, densely branching neuron in the cerebellar cortex of the brain • Etymology: 1885–90; see Purkinje fiber … From formal English to slang
Purkinje cell — /peuhr kin jee/, Biol. a large, densely branching neuron in the cerebellar cortex of the brain. [1885 90; see PURKINJE FIBER] * * * … Universalium
Purkinje cell — noun a large densely branching neuron that is the characteristic cell of the cerebellar cortex • Hypernyms: ↑brain cell … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje cell — noun A cerebellar cell of a particular type … Wiktionary
Purkinje cell — A class of neuron in the cerebellum; the only neurons that convey signals away from the cerebellum … Dictionary of molecular biology
Purkinje cell — n. (Anatomy) particular type of neuron that conveys every single piece of information produced by the cerebellum and possess a most of the control over the motor activities … English contemporary dictionary