
adjective Date: circa 1656 1. consisting of or lasting for four years 2. occurring or being done every four yearsquadrennial nounquadrennially adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Quadrennial — Quad*ren ni*al, a. [L. quadriennium a space of four years; quattuor four + annus year; cf. L. quadriennis. See {Quadrate}, and {Annual}.] 1. Comprising four years; as, a quadrennial period. [1913 Webster] 2. Occurring once in four years, or at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quadrennial — [kwä dren′ē əl] adj. [< L quadriennium (see QUADRENNIUM) + AL] 1. happening every four years 2. lasting four years n. 1. QUADRENNIUM 2. a quadrennial event or occurrence quadrennially …   English World dictionary

  • quadrennial — (adj.) 1650s, lasting four years; as happening every four years, 1701; from QUADRI (Cf. quadri ) + ending from BIENNIAL (Cf. biennial), etc. Correct formation would be *quadriennial Related: Quadrennially …   Etymology dictionary

  • quadrennial — quadrennially, adv. /kwo dren ee euhl/, adj. 1. occurring every four years: a quadrennial festival. 2. of or lasting for four years: a quadrennial period. n. 3. an event occurring every four years, as an anniversary or its celebration. [1640 50;… …   Universalium

  • quadrennial — quad•ren•ni•al [[t]kwɒˈdrɛn i əl[/t]] adj. 1) occurring every four years: a quadrennial festival[/ex] 2) of or lasting for four years: a quadrennial period[/ex] 3) an event occurring every four years 4) quadrennium • Etymology: 1640–50; < L… …   From formal English to slang

  • quadrennial — adjective /ˌkwɒˈdɹɛn.i.əl,ˌkwɑˈdɹɛniəl/ a) Happening every four years. 1852, Millard Fillmore, State of the Union Address b) Lasting for four years. The quadrennial election of Chief Magistrate has passed off with less than the usual excitement.… …   Wiktionary

  • Quadrennial Defense Review — Die Quadrennial Defense Review (kurz: QDR) ist eine alle vier Jahre durchgeführte Untersuchung zur Verteidigungsplanung der USA. Seit 1997 ist der US Verteidigungsminister gesetzlich verpflichtet, eine QDR durchzuführen, welche die folgenden 20… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Quadrennial Defense Review — QDR redirects here. For the computer technology called QDR, see Quad Data Rate. The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is a study by the United States Department of Defense that analyzes strategic objectives and potential military threats. The… …   Wikipedia

  • quadrennial — quad·ren·ni·al || kwÉ‘ drenɪəl /kwÉ’ adj. occurring once every four years n. event which occurs once every four years …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quadrennial — [kwɒ drɛnɪəl] adjective lasting for or recurring every four years. Derivatives quadrennially adverb Origin C17: from L. quadrennium (from quadri four + annus year ) + al …   English new terms dictionary

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