Basket Maker

Basket Maker
noun Date: 1897 any of three stages of an ancient culture of the plateau area of southwestern United States; also a member of the people who produced the Basket Maker culture

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Basket Maker — n. 1. any of several early American Indian cultures of the SW U.S. (c.A.D. 100 700) characterized by great skill in basket making and by the later development of basket molds for the construction and drying of mud pottery 2. a member of the… …   English World dictionary

  • Basket Maker — 1. an American Indian culture of the southwestern U.S. from 100 B.C. to A.D. 65 that developed in three phases, immediately preceded the Pueblo culture, and was noted for its basketry, agriculture, use of the bow and arrow, and, in its later… …   Universalium

  • Basket-Maker-Kultur — Bas|ket Ma|ker Kul|tur [...meikə...] die; <zu engl. basket maker »Korbflechter« u. ↑Kultur> Vorstufe der ↑Anasazikultur mit Sammelwirtschaft, beginnendem Bewässerungsfeldbau, versenkten Hütten, geflochtenen Matten u. Gefäßen …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • basket-maker — basˈket maker noun (with caps; archaeology) A member of an ancient American culture of SW USA, known for their basketwork • • • Main Entry: ↑basket …   Useful english dictionary

  • Basket Maker — Bas′ket Mak er n. 1) ara any of a series of American Indian cultures that developed in the U.S. Southwest c100 b.c. to a.d. 700, noted esp. for their sophisticated basket weaving 2) ara peo a member of the people who produced these cultures •… …   From formal English to slang

  • Basket Maker — noun a member of a culture of the south western US, forming the early stages of the Anasazi culture …   English new terms dictionary

  • Basket Maker — noun early Amerindians related to the Pueblo; known for skill in making baskets • Hypernyms: ↑primitive, ↑primitive person …   Useful english dictionary

  • Basket weaving — (also basketry, basket making, or basketmaking) is the process of weaving unspun vegetable fibers into a basket or other similar form. Basketry is made from a variety of fibrous or pliable materials anything that will bend and form a shape.… …   Wikipedia

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  • modified basket maker — noun Usage: usually capitalized M&B&M : an ancient culture of the plateau area of southwestern United States characterized by fired pottery, permanent pithouses, grooved hammers, notched axes, bows and arrows, the cultivation of beans and corn,… …   Useful english dictionary

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