- basophil
- also basophile noun Date: circa 1890 a basophilic substance or structure; especially a white blood cell containing basophilic granules that is similar in function to a mast cell
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
basophil — [griechisch], Eigenschaft bestimmter Zellen oder Zellteile eines Gewebes (Basophile), sich bevorzugt mit basischen Farbstoffen zu verbinden (anzufärben, z. B. Leukozyten). * * * ba|so|phil <Adj.> [zu 2↑Base u. griech. phileĩn = lieben]: 1 … Universal-Lexikon
basophil — [bas′əfīl΄, bas′əfil΄bās′ə fil΄] n. [< BASIC + PHILE] a cell, substance, or tissue easily stained by basic dyes, as the beta cells in the anterior pituitary or certain white blood cells: also basophile [bas′əfīl΄, bas′əfil΄] basophilic… … English World dictionary
Basophil — Als Basophilie wird ein Anstieg der Zahl der basophilen Granulozyten (kurz: Basophile) im Blut bezeichnet. Die Basophilie ist eine Form der Leukozytose, also der Erhöhung der Zahl der weißen Blutkörperchen. Des Weiteren bezeichnet Basophilie auch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Basophil granulocyte — Basophils are the least common of the granulocytes, representing about 0.01% to 0.3% of circulating leukocytes (white blood cells). They contain large cytoplasmic granules which obscure the cell nucleus under the microscope. However, when… … Wikipedia
Basophil activation — Allergic symptoms are caused by an initial systemic histamine release by activated basophiles and mast cells, that may lead to shock with laryngeal edema, lower airway obstruction and hypotension. This is why basophiles are considered with mast… … Wikipedia
basophil — (ba so fil) A phagocytic leukocyte whose granules stain bluish black with a basic dye. It has a segmented nucleus. The granules contain histamine and heparin … Dictionary of microbiology
basophil — Mammalian granulocyte with large heterochromatic basophilic granules that contain histamine bound to a protein and heparin like mucopolysaccharide matrix. They are not phagocytic. Very similar to mast cells though it is not clear whether they… … Dictionary of molecular biology
basophil — /bay seuh fil/, n. 1. Biol. a basophilic cell, tissue, organism, or substance. 2. Anat. a white blood cell having a two lobed nucleus and basophilic granules in its cytoplasm. adj. 3. Biol. basophilic. Also, basophile /bay seuh fuyl , fil/. [1885 … Universalium
basophil — noun Any cell that has granules stained by basic stains; but especially granular leukocytes. See Also: basophilia, basophilic, granulocyte … Wiktionary
basophil — ba·so·phil bā sə .fil, zə or ba·so·phile .fīl n a basophilic substance or structure esp a white blood cell with basophilic granules that is similar in function to a mast cell * * * n. a variety of white blood cell distinguished by the presence in … Medical dictionary