- rapparee
- noun Etymology: Irish rapaire, ropaire, literally, thruster, stabber, from rop thrust, stab Date: 1690 1. an Irish irregular soldier or bandit 2. vagabond, plunderer
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Rapparee — Rap pa*ree ( p[.a]*r[=e] ), n. A wild Irish plunderer, esp. one of the 17th century; so called from his carrying a half pike, called a rapary. [Written also {raparee}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rapparee — (n.) Irish freebooter, 1680s, originally pikeman, from Ir. rapairidhe, plural of rapaire half pike. Kind of soldier prominent in the war of 1688 92 … Etymology dictionary
rapparee — [rap΄ə rē′] n. [Ir rapaire, orig., pikeman < rapaire, short pike] 1. Historical an Irish freebooting soldier 2. a plunderer or robber … English World dictionary
Rapparee — Rapparees (from the Irish, ropairí , plural of ropaire , actually meaning half pike or a pike wielding person) were Irish guerrilla fighters who operated on the Jacobite side during the 1690s Williamite war in Ireland. Subsequently the name was… … Wikipedia
Rapparee (disambiguation) — Rapparee may refer to the following: *Rapparee, Ilfracombe, a cove in the North Devon town of Ilfracombe *Rapparee, Irish guerrilla fighter who operated on the Jacobite side during the 1690s Williamite war in Ireland *Rapparee/Starlights Hurling… … Wikipedia
Rapparee, Ilfracombe — Rapparee is a cove in the North Devon town of Ilfracombe. The cove is the site of the shipwreak of the London which sank in 1796 in stormy weather. The ship s cargo reportedly contained gold and several African slaves who perished.There is debate … Wikipedia
Rapparee — Les Rapparees étaient des soldats irlandais de guérilla qui opéraient sur le côté jacobiste durant la Conquête cromwellienne de l Irlande, au milieu du XVIIe siècle, et pendant la Guerre de William en Irlande des années 1690. Cette dernière… … Wikipédia en Français
rapparee — /rap euh ree /, n. 1. an armed Irish freebooter or plunderer, esp. of the 17th century. 2. any freebooter or robber. [1680 90; < Ir rapaire] * * * ▪ Irish nationalist any of the dispossessed native Irish who employed guerrilla methods to… … Universalium
rapparee — noun a bandit, brigand … Wiktionary
rapparee — n. armed Irish freebooter during the 17th century; bandit, plunderer, freebooter, robber … English contemporary dictionary