reagin — [rē ā′jin] n. [< REAGENT + IN1] a type of antibody in the blood associated with some allergic diseases … English World dictionary
reagin — (re ah jin) Antibody that mediates immediate hypersensitivity reactions. IgE is the major reagin in humans … Dictionary of microbiology
reagin — /ree ay jin, gin/, n. Immunol. 1. Also called Wassermann antibody. an antibody formed in response to syphilis and reactive with cardiolipin in various blood tests for the disease. 2. an antibody found in certain human allergies, as hay fever and… … Universalium
reagin — re•a•gin [[t]riˈeɪ dʒɪn, gɪn[/t]] n. 1) imu an antibody formed in response to syphilis in various blood tests for the disease 2) bai (mcr imv)imu an antibody found in certain human allergies, as hay fever and asthma • Etymology: 1910–15; < G… … From formal English to slang
reagin — Reaginic antibodies; an outmoded term for IgE … Dictionary of molecular biology
reagin — 1. Wolff Eisner term for antibody. 2. Old term for the “Wassermann” antibody; not to be confused with the Prausnitz Küstner antibody. 3. Antibodies that mediate immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IgE in humans). 4. SYN: homocytotropic antibody … Medical dictionary
Reagin — Rea|gi̱n s; s, e (meist Mehrz.): vom Organismus gegen eingedrungene Infektionserreger gebildete Antikörper … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Reagin — Re|a|gin das; s, e (meist Plur.) <zu ↑> vom Organismus gegen eingedrungene Infektionserreger gebildeter Antikörper (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
reagin — re·agin … English syllables
reagin — n. a type of antibody, formed against an allergen, that has special affinity for cell membranes and remains fixed in various tissues. Subsequent contact with the allergen causes damage to the tissues when the antigen antibody reaction occurs. The … The new mediacal dictionary