
noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1846 the chiefly olfactory part of the forebrain • rhinencephalic adjective

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Rhinencephalon — Rhi nen*ceph a*lon (r[imac] n[e^]n*s[e^]f [.a]*l[o^]n), n.; pl. {Rhinencephala} (r[imac] n[e^]n*s[e^]f [.a]*l[.a]). [NL., fr. Gr. ri s, rino s, the nose + egke falos the brain.] (Anat.) The division of the brain in front of the prosencephalon,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rhinencephalon — [rī΄nen sef′ə län΄] n. pl. rhinencephala [rhi nen ceph′ələ] [ModL: see RHINO & ENCEPHALON] the part of the brain that receives sensory information from the olfactory nerves rhinencephalic [rī΄nensə fal′ik] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Rhinencephalon — Infobox Brain Name = Rhinencephalon Latin = GraySubject = 189 GrayPage = 826 Caption = Scheme of rhinencephalon Caption2 = IsPartOf = Components = Artery = Vein = Acronym = BrainInfoType = ancil BrainInfoNumber = 241 MeshName = Rhinencephalon… …   Wikipedia

  • Rhinencephalon — Der olfaktorische Cortex, auch Rhinencephalon (Riechhirn), beinhaltet die Strukturen des Großhirns, die zur Wahrnehmung und zentralen Verarbeitung von Gerüchen dienen. Er ist völlig anders aufgebaut als die übrigen rezeptiven Felder. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rhinencephalon — A largely archaic collective term denoting the parts of the cerebral hemisphere directly related to the sense of smell : the olfactory bulb, olfactory peduncle (together still listed as the first cranial nerve …   Medical dictionary

  • rhinencephalon — n. the parts of the brain, collectively, that in early stages of evolution were concerned mainly with the sense of smell. The rhinencephalon includes the olfactory nerve, olfactory tract, and the regions now usually classified as belonging to the …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Rhinencephalon — uodžiamosios smegenys statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Rhinencephalon ryšiai: platesnis terminas – antgumburio pjūviai …   Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai

  • Rhinencephalon — uodžiamosios smegenys statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Rhinencephalon ryšiai: platesnis terminas – priekinės smegenys siauresnis terminas – kriaušiškoji žievė siauresnis terminas – nosies plyšys… …   Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai

  • Rhinencephalon — uodžiamosios smegenys statusas T sritis embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Rhinencephalon ryšiai: platesnis terminas – priekinės smegenys …   Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas

  • rhinencephalon — rhinencephalic /ruy nen seuh fal ik/, rhinencephalous, adj. /ruy nen sef euh lon , leuhn/, n., pl. rhinencephalons, rhinencephala / leuh/. Anat. the part of the cerebrum containing the olfactory structures. [1840 50; RHIN + ENCEPHALON] * * * …   Universalium

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