ring|spot — «RIHNG SPOT», noun, or ring spot, 1. a yellowish, necrotic discoloration in the form of spots or circles, symptomatic of a disease in plants. 2. any one of various plant diseases characterized by such discoloration: »tobacco ringspot … Useful english dictionary
ring spot — ring′ spot n. ppa any of various viral or fungal plant diseases characterized by concentric rings of discoloration or necrosis on the leaves • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
ring spot — noun 1. : a lesion of plant tissue consisting of yellowish, purplish, or necrotic, often concentric rings 2. : any plant disease of which ring spots are the characteristic lesion: as a. : a virus disease of tobacco and related plants producing… … Useful english dictionary
ring spot — Plant Pathol. any of various plant diseases caused by a virus or fungus and characterized by concentric rings of discoloration or necrosis on the leaves. [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
corky ring spot — noun : internal brown spot … Useful english dictionary
necrotic ring spot — noun : a virus lead spot of cherries characterized by small dark water soaked sometimes incomplete rings which may alternate with the normal green tissue and later often drop out and give the leaf a shredded or tattered appearance … Useful english dictionary
black ring spot — noun see black ring … Useful english dictionary
Spot the Dog — is a series of books by Eric Hill, which were later made into a popular children s animation for BBC television by David McKee s King Rollo Films .First published in 1980, Where s Spot was inspired by the reaction of Eric s 2 year old son to an… … Wikipedia
Spot the difference — is a name given to a puzzle where two versions of an image are shown side by side, and the player has to find differences between them. Usually, the image on the left is the original, and the image on the right has the alterations. Spot the… … Wikipedia
fairy ring spot — noun : a disease of carnations found especially in the greenhouse and caused by a fungus (Heterosporium echinulatum) that produces on the leaves bleached spots with concentric dark zones … Useful english dictionary