- beefalo
- noun (plural -los or -loes) Etymology: blend of 1beef and buffalo Date: 1973 any of a breed of beef cattle developed in the United States that is genetically 3/8 North American bison and 5/8 domestic bovine
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.
Beefalo — are a fertile hybrid offspring of domestic cattle, Bos taurus , and the American Bison, Bison bison (generally called buffalo). The breed was created to combine the best characteristics of both animals with a view towards beef production.The term … Wikipedia
Beefalo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El beefalo es un bovino resultante del cruce entre un bisonte americano y una vaca doméstica de cualquier raza. Según la raza vacuna con la que se ha cruzado al bisonte, el beefalo presenta diferentes aspectos,… … Wikipedia Español
beefalo — [bēf′ə lō΄] n. pl. beefaloes, beefalos, beefalo [ BEEF + (BUFF)ALO] an animal developed by crossing the American buffalo, or bison, with beef cattle: supposedly better able to reproduce, grow rapidly, and provide lean meat on a grass diet … English World dictionary
beefalo — eef a*lo (b[=e] f[.a]*l[ o]), n. a hardy breed of beef cattle derived as a cross between the American bison and domestic cattle, usually being genetically 3/8 bison and 5/8 domestic bovine; it yields leaner beef than conventional breeds.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Beefalo — [ biː ; Zusammensetzung aus englisch beef »Rind« und buffalo »Bison«] der, (s)/ s, Kreuzung aus Hausrind und nordamerikanischer Bison; Vorzüge sind kurze Entwicklungszeit bis zur Schlachtreife und geringerer Fettgehalt des Fleisches. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
Beefalo — Rasseschlüssel BE 86 Das Beefalo ist ein seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts durch Kreuzung des Amerikanischen Bison mit Hausrindrassen entstandenes Rind. Zum Kreuzen werden verschiedene Hausrindrassen verwendet. Das Beefalo ist besonders… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Beefalo — La race Beefalo est une race bovine américaine. C est un hybride inter générique entre des CUL européens, Bos taurus, et des CUL d Amériques, Bison bison. Sommaire 1 Origine 2 Morphologie 3 Aptitude … Wikipédia en Français
beefalo — cattalo cattalo n. hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo; it yields leaner beef than conventional breeds; it is called also {beefalo}. Syn: beefalo. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beefalo — /bee feuh loh /, n., pl. beefaloes, beefalos, (esp. collectively) beefalo for 1. 1. a hybrid animal that is 3/8 to 3/32 buffalo, the remaining genetic component being domestic cow, bred for disease resistance and for meat with low fat content. 2 … Universalium
beefalo — noun a) A cross between a domestic cow and an American buffalo or bison. b) The meat of such a hybrid … Wiktionary