Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard
noun Etymology: Scotland Yard, street in London, formerly the headquarters of the metropolitan police Date: 1864 the detective department of the London metropolitan police

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • Scotland Yard — Scotland Yard, nombre con que se conoce a la policía de Londres, después de su reorganización en 1829. Ese año, se instaló en dependencias traseras de un castillo medieval que había pertenecido a la nobleza escocesa, del que tomó el nombre.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Scotland Yard — petite rue de Londres, près du pont de Westminster, où siégeaient les services centraux de la police londonienne, nommés cour. Scotland Yard. En 1967, ce siège a été déplacé sur le quai (nommé New Scotland Yard) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Scotland Yard — [so named because orig. the residence of the kings of Scotland when in London] 1. short street in London, off Whitehall, orig. the site of police headquarters 2. headquarters of the metropolitan London police, on the Thames embankment since 1890 …   English World dictionary

  • Scotland Yard — used allusively for London Metropolitan Police, 1864, from name of short street off Whitehall, London; from 1829 to 1890 headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Force, hence, the force itself, especially the detective branch. After 1890, located… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Scotland Yard — er en populær betegnelse for Londons kriminalpoliti. De fik navnet efter den bygning de oprindelig opererede fra …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Scotland Yard — (izg. skòtland jȃrd) m DEFINICIJA zgrada u kojoj je smještena glavna uprava londonske policije (službeno New S. Y.) i često sinonim za londonsku policiju, osobito njezin kriminalistički odjel ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Scotland Yard — For other uses, see Scotland Yard (disambiguation). New Scotland Yard, London Scotland Yard is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service of London, UK. It derives from the location of the original Metropolitan Police… …   Wikipedia

  • Scotland Yard — New Scotland Yard heute, 10 Broadway. New Scotland Yard [ˌskɒtləndˈjɑːd] (engl. für „(neuer) schottischer Hof“), häufig kurz Scotland Yard oder auch nur The Yard genannt, ist das Hauptquartier des Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), wird aber auch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Scotland Yard — 1. a short street in central London, England: formerly the site of the London police headquarters, which were removed 1890 to a Thames embankment (New Scotland Yard). 2. the metropolitan police of London, esp. the branch engaged in crime… …   Universalium

  • Scotland Yard — Scot|land Yard 〈[ skɔ̣tlənd ja:(r)d] ohne Artikel〉 (Hauptdienststelle der) Londoner Kriminalpolizei [engl., „schottischer Platz“ (nach dem Sitz des Dienstgebäudes in London)] * * * Scot|land Yard [ skɔtlənd jɑ:d ], der; [nach der früheren Lage… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Scotland Yard — New Scotland Yard, Londres. Scotland Yard, también conocido como The Yard, es una metonimia para la Policía Metropolitana de Londres,[1] [2 …   Wikipedia Español

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