from scratch

from scratch
phrasal 1. from a point at which nothing has been done ahead of time <
build a school system from scratch
2. without using a prepared mixture of ingredients <
bake a cake from scratch

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • from scratch — {adv. phr.}, {informal} With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing. * /Dick built a radio from scratch./ * /In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch./ Compare: FROM… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • from scratch — {adv. phr.}, {informal} With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing. * /Dick built a radio from scratch./ * /In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch./ Compare: FROM… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • From scratch — may refer to: * from basic components , as in a cake made from scratch, not from a commercial mixFrom Scratch may refer to: * From Scratch (music group) * Curious George TV series pilot, part 2 …   Wikipedia

  • from scratch — from nothing. We decided to build a newspaper pretty much from scratch. Usage notes: often used in the form start from scratch: Can we fix the current computer system, or would it be better to start from scratch? …   New idioms dictionary

  • from scratch — ► from scratch from the very beginning. Main Entry: ↑scratch …   English terms dictionary

  • from scratch — [adv] from the very beginning from square one, from the ground up, from the top, initially; concepts 585,799,828 …   New thesaurus

  • from scratch — from the very beginning He decided to build the house from scratch …   Idioms and examples

  • from scratch — This idiom means from the beginning …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • from scratch — adverb a) From the beginning; starting with no advantage or prior preparation. There were so many errors in the program that the programmer decided to rewrite it from scratch. b) From basic materials or raw ingredients …   Wiktionary

  • from\ scratch — adv. phr. informal With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing. Dick built a radio from scratch. In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch. Compare: from the ground up …   Словарь американских идиом

  • from scratch — 1) from a point where nothing has been done, so that you have to do everything yourself It took only three years to write it from scratch. 2) from the beginning again, not using all the work that you have done before We ll have to do the whole… …   English dictionary

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