
adjective Date: 14th century 1. suitable to the season or circumstances ; timely <
a seasonable frost
2. occurring in good or proper time ; opportune <
a seasonable time for discussion
seasonableness nounseasonably adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • seasonable — sea·son·able / sē zə nə bəl/ adj: occurring within the time agreed to by parties to a commercial transaction or within a reasonable time seasonable notice of the rejection of goods sea·son·ably / blē/ adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… …   Law dictionary

  • seasonable — seasonable, timely, well timed, opportune, pat can mean occurring or coming with peculiar appropriateness as to moment or present situation. What is seasonable is perfectly suited to the season or time of year {seasonable menus for hot August… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Seasonable — Sea son*a*ble, a. Occurring in good time, in due season, or in proper time for the purpose; suitable to the season; opportune; timely; as, a seasonable supply of rain. [1913 Webster] Mercy is seasonable in the time of affliction. Ecclus. xxxv. 20 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seasonable — seasonable, seasonal Seasonal means ‘occurring at or associated with a particular season’ (the farming year and its seasonal activities), whereas seasonable is a more judgemental word meaning ‘suitable for the season or time of year’ (All the… …   Modern English usage

  • seasonable — (adj.) late 14c., from SEASON (Cf. season) (n.) + ABLE (Cf. able). Related: Seasonably …   Etymology dictionary

  • seasonable — [adj] timely, appropriate apropos, apt, auspicious, convenient, favorable, fit, opportune, pertinent, propitious, prosperous, providential, relevant, seasonal, suitable, timeous, towardly, welcome, well timed; concept 558 Ant. inappropriate,… …   New thesaurus

  • seasonable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ usual for or appropriate to a particular season of the year …   English terms dictionary

  • seasonable — [sē′zənə bəl] adj. [ME sesonable] 1. suitable to or usual for the time of year 2. coming or done at the right time; opportune; timely SYN. TIMELY seasonableness n. seasonably adv …   English World dictionary

  • seasonable — seasonableness, n. seasonably, adv. /see zeuh neuh beuhl/, adj. 1. suitable to or characteristic of the season: seasonable weather. 2. timely; opportune: a seasonable suggestion. [1350 1400; ME sesounable. See SEASON, ABLE] Syn. 1. fit,… …   Universalium

  • seasonable — adjective a) Opportune; occurring at an appropriate or suitable time. Thomas Salusbury (1662): Nor is it seasonable to have to do with Hercules, whilst he is enraged, and amongst the Furies. b) Appropriate to the current season of the year. The… …   Wiktionary

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