
adjective Etymology: Greek seismos shock, earthquake, from seiein to shake; probably akin to Avestan thwaēshō fear Date: 1858 1. of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake; also of or relating to an earth vibration caused by something else (as an explosion or the impact of a meteorite) 2. of or relating to a vibration on a celestial body (as the moon) comparable to a seismic event on earth 3. having a strong or widespread impact ; earthshaking <
seismic social changes
seismically adverb

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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  • seismic — (adj.) 1858, from Gk. seismos earthquake, from seiein to shake. Seismological is attested from 1850 …   Etymology dictionary

  • seismic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust. 2) of enormous proportions or effect. DERIVATIVES seismical adjective seismically adverb. ORIGIN from Greek seismos earthquake …   English terms dictionary

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  • seismic — seis|mic [ˈsaızmık] adj [only before noun] [Date: 1800 1900; : Greek; Origin: seismos shock, earthquake , from seiein to shake ] 1.) technical relating to or caused by ↑earthquakes ▪ increased seismic activity 2.) very great, serious, or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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