
noun (plural series) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Latin, from serere to join, link together; akin to Greek eirein to string together, hormos chain, necklace, and perhaps to Latin sort-, sors lot Date: 1611 1. a. a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession <
a concert series
the hall opened into a series of small rooms
b. a set of regularly presented television programs each of which is complete in itself 2. the indicated sum of a usually infinite sequence of numbers 3. a. the coins or currency of a particular country and period b. a group of postage stamps in different denominations 4. a succession of volumes or issues published with related subjects or authors, similar format and price, or continuous numbering 5. a division of rock formations that is smaller than a system and comprises rocks deposited during an epoch 6. a group of chemical compounds related in composition and structure 7. an arrangement of the parts of or elements in an electric circuit whereby the whole current passes through each part or element without branchingcompare parallel 8. a set of vowels connected by ablaut (as i, a, u in ring, rang, rung) 9. a number of games (as of baseball) played usually on consecutive days between two teams <
in town for a 3-game series
10. a group of successive coordinate sentence elements joined together 11. soil series 12. three consecutive games in bowling

New Collegiate Dictionary. 2001.

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