Serology — is the scientific study of blood serum. In practice, the term usually refers to the diagnostic identification of antibodies in the serum.cite book | author = Ryan KJ, Ray CG (editors) | title = Sherris Medical Microbiology | edition = 4th ed. |… … Wikipedia
serology — serology. См. серология. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
serology — from sero , comb. form of SERUM (Cf. serum), + OLOGY (Cf. ology) … Etymology dictionary
serology — [si räl′ə jē] n. [ SERO + LOGY] the science dealing with the properties and actions of serums serologic [sir΄ə läj′ik] adj. serological serologist n … English World dictionary
serology — study of serums and the nature of antigens and antibodies … Dictionary of ichthyology
serology — n. [L. serum, whey; Gr. logos, discourse] The study of sera and the nature, and interactions of antigens and antibodies … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
serology — (se rol o je) The branch of immunology that is concerned with in vitro reactions involving one or more serum constituents (e.g., antibodies and complement) … Dictionary of microbiology
serology — serologic /sear euh loj ik/, serological, adj. serologically, adv. serologist, n. /si rol euh jee/, n. the science dealing with the immunological properties and actions of serum. [1905 10; SERO + LOGY] * * * … Universalium
serology — noun a) The science that studies the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum b) The characteristics of the blood serums of a particular disease or organism … Wiktionary
serology — The branch of science concerned with serum, especially with specific immune or lytic serums; to measure either antigens or antibodies in sera. [sero + G. logos, study] * * * se·rol·o·gy si räl ə jē … Medical dictionary